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How to handle this sexual tension??

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I am a 23 yr old female and he is 44 yrs old and well we were going in the direction of being more then friends but he "just" realized he still loves his ex i still have really strong feelings for him and he does for me but he has stronger feelings for her but there is a lot of sexual tension between us so my question is would it help or hinder us to sleep together?? like maybe help in the decisions making process i don't know all i know is this tension is only getting stronger as the days go on i don't want to lose him as a friend if that's all we ever are but i think with how much sexual tension is between us its only going to build so what should i do??

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You should do nothing.


There is sexual tension because you are dwelling on it and the more you think about it, the more tension will exist.


Of course it is going to grow if that is "all you think about." Take some time away from each other and ponder other things. It will only build if you let it.

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Ask yourself what your real motivations are for seeing him? Are you going through a transition period in your life and are scared by new challenges? Are you looking for someone to guide you, mentor you, take care of you? If so, identify people/sources where you can get these needs fulfulled while developing your autonomy as a young woman. And stop-seeing/talking to him for a while (if not forever), go out with girlfriends, maybe go on some other dates.


Good luck.

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Try frequent masturbation to relieve your sexual tension.


If he is trying to reconcile with his ex, let him proceed without any interference from you. If you two were meant to be, he'll be back.

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You can go ahead and sleep with him but all it's going to do is make you like him more, want him more, while he is still in love with his ex, wanting her back and will get her back. But if you have to do it, go ahead.

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