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One Night Stands...

Zo ConfuZed!

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Zo ConfuZed!

Do you consider a one night stand while your in a relationship cheating? I was wondering because a friend and me were discussing it. I think it is my friend doesnt. I also think porn(when your partner doesnt want you to) is wrong NOT cheating but to me its wrong and if you really want to respect your partner you wouldnt. Same for strips clubs. Just me... :)

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End of my rope

One night stands are most definately cheating. Porn isn't "cheating" but can, in some situations, affect the relationship just as adversly.

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What justification did your friend give for a one night stand NOT being cheating? Cause I'm not sure how it could be anything else.

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Zo ConfuZed!

She said its not really cheating if he still loves you. I would DEFF. forgive him if I loved him. But i say how can you love someone that cheats.

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Well, you can forgive for cheating....but it still cheating even after you've been forgiven.

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