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Cheating question


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Ok question.

Would you forgive the person you were dating OR married to cheated on you?

People say yea because they can still love me and I love them. I thin if they loved you they wouldnt have cheated. And I personally would leave them. Your thoughts please?

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All I know is my personal experience, and I never felt love like I do now. I cheated, we worked through it, and now are at a place we never were before.


Before that happened, I would have said cut a cheater loose, once a cheater always a cheater. Now I think one can learn from their mistakes.


Depends on the person and the level of growth they are willing to go through.

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I think I could get over it - depends on the circumstances, whether I understood why it happened and how confident I was that it would not happen again.


This is all well in theory but you never know how you'll react until it happens.

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I think it just depends on the people involved, really. My mum cheated on my dad about 3 years ago, they split up for nearly a year while my mum lived with this other guy...and when it all went wrong, my dad still took her back. I was very proud, as it was extremely tough for him - and god knows it would have been easy and maybe satisfying in the SHORT term to tell my mum exactly where to go...but he didn't, and they're happier than ever. He wouldn't be as happy as he is now if he hadn't swallowed his pride and taken her back. Some people (namely, his family) were horrified that he'd taken back this "evil" woman (lol) but he knew it was the right thing to do.


So if you think you can work through it, then you'd be better trying, and not cutting off your nose to spite your face - if you know what I mean?


There are so many issues to work through, obviously mainly of trust...can you trust the person not to leave again? Can you trust YOURSELF not to bring it up every few months as emotional blackmail? In fact - the cheater can use it too...if you don't treat me better, I'll leave again...etc etc. And then there are deeper issues than that - WHY did the person cheat? There must have been something wrong to begin with, so it won't all be sorted out with forgiveness. The initial problem will still have to be dealt with.


Sorry for babbling on - this is something that I feel strongly about, as you can see. :o

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