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Why Many people with Good jobs dont' exercise/And dont' care

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And they're overweight. I keep seeeing office /company people . Great smart confident.. great speakers. Great businessman but many of them overweight.


Seems they don't care because...they could do exericse, get a gym membership, or create a personalized exercise plan for at home. And then since they have good money, they can try to eat better but

no they don't.


I"ve seen countless of business men with big guts and also office ladies who are overweight.



I would think no job makes you drepsed like i am, and i don't even care at times. But they have a job so shouldn't they be happy and wanting to better themselves and they can afford it. Plus they can afford doctors.

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I see the opposite in my industry. There are few execs, male or female, who are overweight. We have a gym that is accessible to everybody but a bit pricey. I prefer exercising at home.

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It's not an issue of not caring but more of an issue of the environment.

Most office jobs require you to sit at a desk. When you sit at a desk your stomach muscles, in general, are relaxed. This later transfers to walking and you see people with bellies. Also, another issue is that people with 'Good Jobs' possibly got those jobs going through stressfull jobs that take up a lot of time. Yes, if you have barely time to cook healthy meals you're less likely to be found in the gym.


For example, I'm about 200 lbs at 6 feet. I used to run / go to the gym before I started my job and, at random intervals, 3 years into my job. I weighed about 180 lbs on average. In the last year work/stress/family has picked up and I ballooned up to 230 lbs in September 2010 after being 180lbs in June/July 2010. I've lowered it to 200 lbs but that is the lowest I can go without starving myself and without going to the gym while having a sedetary and stressfull job.


So it's not about not caring it's more about concentrating on one thing than another because one provides moe benefits to one than the other. A job pays the rent and being super fit doesn't. Also, a belly doesn't always mean that you're unfit ... it suggests it but doesn't mean it.

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Nikki Sahagin

I think sometimes when you've been at work all day, the last thing you want to do is go to a gym or something. You want to spend time with your family and friends or resting.


My work place is a mixture of slim to big, but a lot of people are obsessed with diets :S

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