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Hi and thank you veru much for your advice and for listening. here is




problem: this summer i worked at the gap and there was this guy there


and at first i thought he was really cute. my first day there we were


closing together and i talked to him a bit but not alone in some group.


but then for some reason he barely spoke to me we only spoke if either


one of us had some kind of question which i found really weird because


he is soooo talkative and will basically speak to anyone who will


listen. in fact he was always in front greeting people because he loves


to talk. but then finally one day they had me work in the front with




and at first we didn't really talk (i was kinda mad at him for never


speaking to me) but then he comes to me and tells me that there is


someplace that is named after my name (i checked and he was telling the truth) and then we started


talking and that conversation began it all, after that we started


talking more and i started flirting, (sorry this is so long) anyways




day he told me that he is president of some political club and that he


was going to the dnc and i didn't believe him so he told me to go to




website and i did , sure enough he was pres. and it had his email on


there and the next day i told him about it and that i had seen his


email. anyways after we stopped working at gap since school started i


IM'd him. anyways i'v only spoken to him a couple of times online


because his whole family uses the same screen name. anyways we were


talking a couple of days ago and the conversation was getting a bit


dull, so i asked him (as a joke since we used to joke around at work)




he missed me yet and he was like "not really, sorry" and i thought that


he was joking so i was like (sarcasticall) "i can't believe you'd say


that, if it was me i'd lie and say yes." but before he could respond, i


had to go offline becasue someone had to use the phone so i said bye




left. so now i was thinking about it and what if he was seious and he


doesn't want to talk to me anymore, i thought that maybe i should just


ignore him for awhile. can you please help me, any advice that you have


i will appreciate. Thank you very very much for taking the time to read


this, I really appreciate it.


Thank You,

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It sounds like this guy is pretty cool and you said he liked to joke so most probably he was joking or playing with you when he said he didn't miss you. It is really too bad that you had to get offline right away after that.


You can certainly bet that he is still your friend. After all, he is politically minded and politicians like all the friends they can get.


You are being way too sensitive. The next time you are online and you see him, let him know you don't miss him either...then continue your friendship from there.


Now, on another subject, it seems you were interested in him but you didn't say anything about him ever asking you out. If that's the case, then obviously his life is too filled with politics and other activities to explore anything with you.


At first, I thought maybe he didn't say much to you at first because he liked you and he was shy. But after he got to know you more and sparks didn't fly, well being much more than a friend with him doesn't seem in the plan for now.


Continue to be his buddy, send him an Email now and then, but don't count on this guy for much more than an online pal. And don't be so sensitive. If he honestly doesn't miss you, to hell with him and the dnc!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow! thanks so uch you give such good advice! i'm so sorry that i reposted this, i truly didn't realize. thank you so much for your advice. i think that i probably should have added in my post that this guy has a girlfriend so the most we could be is friends, and we didn't always joke around but we did sometimes. so you really think he was joking? thanks so much for your advice.


i tried im'ing him again but the thing is that it's really annoying to im him because every time i im him i have to ask if it's him online because whenever it's his brother he (the brother) won't always respond, but if it's this guy then we'll talk but i just don't want to keep im'ing him every time he comes online and asking if it's him and then have his brothers thinking that i'm obssesed with him or something. thanks sooo much for your advice and i'm once again really sorry for copying this post again. Thank you, i hope you can understand.

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