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So this past month, I've only had one date. I'm see many gorgeous girls around but haven't felt the urge to approach them. Basically, if I don't go out of my way to meet girls and ask them now, nothing will happen. It seems obvious but I have to actually make time for it. So I was thinking of just devoting an hour or two each week to just approach girls and have a conversation. If it goes well, I will ask them out. If it doesn't, at least I get practice.


What does everyone else think of this? Would there be a better way? :)


Thing is I see girls that I literally stop to take a second look at, and its rare that this happens. They're not the hottest girls in the world but they're the ones I find most attractive. Sometimes it's a passing thing but if I don't take the opportunity presented, I do not see them again. It would be more fun to have some a friend to at least do this with me but my friends are either in relationships or haven't dated before.

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