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In love with girl after 8 years...

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Thank you for taking the time to read this post. So when I was thirteen (I'm 21 now) I fell in love with a girl as much as any 13 year old could. She constantly flirted with me and led me on and it made it that much harder when she told me that she didn't feel the same way about me. She was the first girl I ever cried over, and I've never felt quite the same intense feeling about anyone else since her.


It's been eight years since this happened, we ended up going to different high schools and colleges, so my feelings subsided. Still, when I saw her there was always that tiny pinch in my stomach that reminded me of how I used to feel about her. Fast forward to this past weekend. We were at a party together and out of nowhere she started making out with me, which I had pretty much been waiting to do for eight years, but I always just figured she was never interested. Talked afterwards: turns out she's liked this entire summer, and she said that we could've been hooking up the whole time, and that it upset her to see me hook up with other girls at parties. I was shocked, and I was really really drunk, so I pretty much told her that I've never stopped liking her and that in my mind no one compares to her. I was a little afraid that I came on too strong, but the next day she reassured me that I didn't. She left the next day to study abroad for a semester (awful timing!!!!) and she said she thinks there's a good chance for us to get together when she gets back but she can't make any promises.


At first, I was overjoyed at finally hooking up with her, but now that it's been a few days reality has kicked back in and I've felt really depressed and am having the hardest time sleeping. I just can't get over my awful luck, that 1. I didn't know earlier and that 2. now she has to study abroad. My last serious relationship ended (which I had just recently finally got over) because I was studying abroad so this bad timing is just all too familiar. I'm know I'm only 21, but this girl is the game changer for me. Always has been and my guess is that she probably always will be. I just have no idea how I'm not going go crazy thinking about her this semester. It's my senior year and I don't want anything to distract me from having the time of my life, but sometimes it's just easier said than done to take your mind off someone. Does anyone have any advice, similar experiences, etc? Any help would be really really appreciated thank you!

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Son, you've got everything you need. You're just not putting it into action. Maybe it would help if you did everything in your power to stay distracted. When you start thinking about her, consider that a warning sign and immediately hop on something else: read a book, catch a movie with your friends, play a couple video games (probably doesn't pertain to a 21 year old), or cook yourself a meal. Just do anything that distracts the mind in no time. Come what may, you will be fine in the end. Good luck mate. Hope my advice helps.

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