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When we say " she is a woman scorned" does this term automatically imply that there was sex involved?


I had a discussion with a couple of friends and there is a disagreement: I believe that everytime a woman is rejected, sex or simply platonic relationship , she is scorned and wants revenge. My friends believe that a woman is scorned only when there is sex involved.


Opinions please?????

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i see it differently...


i see it as the woman had expectations... most likely from what she was lead to believe by what a man said vs what he did or did not DO.


if she was purposely mislead by the man - most women would be sad and/or angry. scorned? i think that's a harsh word...


it doesn't always involve sex... for example - men can lead a woman to believe they are available/single - when, in fact, they are still married. so his lie creates an illusion... but the fact remains (he's married) - and she may be mad... when she has every right to be mad... because he was lying about being available.


when words don't match the actions = it equates to a lie. by the way... women do it too - so i'm not a big believer in those kind of sayings.


WHY should anyone ACT happy when there is a lie involved?

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When we say " she is a woman scorned" does this term automatically imply that there was sex involved?


I had a discussion with a couple of friends and there is a disagreement: I believe that everytime a woman is rejected, sex or simply platonic relationship , she is scorned and wants revenge. My friends believe that a woman is scorned only when there is sex involved.


Opinions please?????


No, it is NOT just about sex. A woman scorned had an expectation of availability and had emotionally invested her heart, not her body parts.


She fell hard for guy who, like 2 sunny says, either lied or betrayed her romantic interest in him, hence, scorned. Dangerous, crazy, possible prone to violence and revenge.


The qoute is: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." William Shakespeare, I believe.

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