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Once I get it, I don't want it anymore..

mr.dream merchant

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I can't do that lol. One of them already has it made up in her head that I intend to date her. I never said I wasn't, but I never said I did. :/


I suggest you take out your balls and inform her that she assumed too much.


Women will likely still sleep with you regardless of you informing them of your intentions... just let them know about your lifestyle and what your boundaries are. That way when they begin reaching out for more, you can at least politely remind them of how things are and if they are unable to accept it then things need to be broken off.


Some may even want to sleep with you more, in order to attempt to foolishly "win" your "love" but... in the end, at least they were made aware of what you're after... hopefully before they get involved. I don't condone indulging in your libido at the expense of others but, if you gotta satisfy it then... I just strongly recommend being up-front about things first.


especially *if* you care about the effect you may have on others.

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A person that avoids feelings and intimacy to this extreme may have some severe emotional deficiencies. Have you ever considered counseling? For some odd reason your posting style seems vaguely familiar as a long time occasional poster/jokester here!

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Mme. Chaucer

You really sound like a one dimensional person. The girls who are interested in you wouldn't be for long, if they got to know what there is of you or had to experience your (;)) fine sexing techniques more than one time.


Yes, it would be nice of you to tell the truth or pay for sex. Since you won't, let's just hope you don't transmit any nasty diseases or create any babies. If those pitfalls are avoided, you'll get through your life without making any lasting impressions on anyone at all. Kind of like you were never even here. Your kind is a dime a dozen. Carry on.

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Disenchantedly Yours

Despite questioning the authenticity of this post, IF (and that's a big "if), this post is for real, it reeks of personal self loathing hidden behind sexcapades. Yes OP, you reak of personal self loathing despite what a wonderful lover you think you are giving multples out like jelly beans.


OP, I don't believe this peice is real because you did brag about details you really didn't need to, to come off like some kind of internet stud. You say that you believe this is just what men do. It really isn't. It's what men like *you* do. But most women, even the ones that unfortunetely stupidly sleep with you, wouldn't consider you a real man knowing your true character. Do you know who a real man is?


The single man that dates women with both power and grace, (meaning not using them for his own gratification.)


The divorced Dad that takes care of his kids and makes them come first.


The husband that thinks his wife is sexier over any other woman.


The boyfriend that sticks around to help his girlfriend go through a serious medical issue.


Real men are not men that bang anything they can and then talk about how these women are pathetic. That might be how Jerry Springer defines it but most normal people don't see it that way. If this is how you want to behave, have at it. If this is what you want to amount to. Enjoy the few lasting seconds the women you are sleeping with like you enough to want more. Because they will soon see what kind of guy you really are and they will regret having been with you. They will regret you being in their life. You will be a blackmark on their soul. Now I don't expect that to bother you but each choice we make in our life determines who we become. And I rather not be a blackmark on other people's soul myself. Best of luck with that...again that is if this post is even true. Which I strongly doubt.

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this thread is just an excuse for you to brag and it's totally gross. Who wants to read all this icky detail about you getting off and using women?

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Well, you certainly seem very boastful and proud of yourself for having such a profound defect of character. It's pitiful.


Word. This thread is a giant ego stroke, and a really pitiful one. :sick:

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It's simple to answer your question, you don't care.


Personally, I can relate. I go on a lot of dates, a lot of first dates, but it's just cause I like getting to know girls. I don't do it for the sex. I do it for the thrills and excitement of going out with someone new and just to go out. But I tell them straight up, I'm off the relationship block.


I actually go into it, not wanting sex, sure it crosses my mind, but I don't. However, I do go out with my friends a lot and drink. At times, I drunk text these girls, I tell them straight up that I want some and their cool with it. And they most definitely know that I am drunk. They get kind of clingy afterward and then I apologize for my rash behavior. In which, then I kind of get a little more distant. I think its just natural. But the sex is almost always offered again, when I'm sober, but I decline almost every time. Sometimes FWB, but I decline, cause I someone's going to get hurt and I do like going out to places, so it can't be just about the sex, I'll take them out and stuff.


Well right now, I'm just trying to lay low for a while and to try and focus on myself. But I can call each and one of these girls and they'll be cool with me. They appreciate my honesty, I guess. However, I do believe some are bitter that I didn't get into relationships with them or pursue the dating further.


Girls want sex as much as the next guy. I just feel that guys can detach their emotions from it so much easier. But the whole time, I'm up front and honest and I do just want to be friends with these girls in the end.

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Recap of the past month. Been taking occasional trips to the vacated office we use for storage with my lovely co-worker. In there we make out, she ends up giving me fellatio, and twice now she's swallowed. Wow!


I've been getting alot of attention on POF. It got to the point where I had so many dates set up I just started blowing women off. I'm actually doing that this weekend as well. I'm booked Fri, Sat and Sun, but I'm gonna blow Fri off just because I want some time to myself. Yesterday, one lovely woman I met on POF came by, we hung out and talked. I could tell she was attracted to me just by her body language. Plus she's seen pictures of my physique and such, so she knew what I had going on under the clothing. We made our way back to my car, and she wanted to sit inside and talk.


But before even continuing this story, 3 hours prior to her showing up to see me, I had just got done having sex with my co-worker in the storage room. At the end of my shift I had to quickly wash my genitalia with soap and water, get the smell of her perfume off of my neck and clothes (wanted to play it safe).


So continuing the story with the POF girl, we go in my car and chit chat. She plays some songs we like, and somehow her feet ended up in my lap and I was giving her a foot massage. One thing led to another, we make out, her clothes come off, next thing I know she's giving me the best fellatio I've ever had in my life. Deep throat and all (I'm not a small guy). So she takes my hand and places it on her vagina, and I mean, she's just drenched, sopping with vaginal lubrication. So....****, I did what any other guy would've done, I ****ed her for an hour. She came multiple times, I had trouble arriving because of my previous encounter. Finally I arrived, she let me dispense it onto her face (Wow!). After that we kicked back for about 20 then I took off.


Now all day today she's been trying to text and maintain communication. And I'm just not feeling it. I feel smothered. I don't even want to talk to her at the moment, at least not until I'm horny. I don't even talk to my co-worker unless I want some fun. This is a re-occurring issue. I get what I want, then I get cold on them. Of course they notice, because before I got what I wanted, I was very sweet to them. Very caring, attentive, etc. Compliment them, make them smile, etc. They eat that **** up.


Lol, I have no clue. All I know is, just her texting me is making me feel claustrophobic. She got pissed off with me, got all salty and was like "going to bed. night." I just said "ok.".


Not to mention I ****ed two women within a window of 3-4 hours? That's a milestone for my sex life. Aaah, what am I going to do with myself. The ****ed up part is, I can't stop thinking about how sexually loose these women are. Why would I ever date them? Wtf.


The only thing this post is missing is a first line that reads "Dear Penthouse Forum" I'm not going to give you advice or call you a jerk, because I don't believe your story for a hot minute. Especially when you created this post just a week and a half ago :


Since February of this year, I've not engaged in sexual penetration with a woman. All that's been on my agenda is work, school and the gym..as usual. Been practicing new things, brushing up on my gentlemanlike ways, and doing my best not to judge a woman based off of how she dresses, her need for male attention, and her sexual encounters and quantity of the like.


I can't say that it's really fetched me any kind of success. Still go through the same ol' same ol' with women. They let me chat them up, tease and flirt with me, but when it comes time to go out on a date, or step up, they end up flaking or disappearing on me. Not sure why, or for what reasons, it's totally on them. Tried the online dating bit, and saw tons of success as far as women wanting to meet me and profile views. Once again, when I get to messaging them, it seems that's all they want to do....is message. Some even disappear after an exchange of 2-4 messages. Traded #'s with a few, some were very demanding and pushy, and others didn't even respond back to text messages.


Been fooling around with a lovely woman @ work though. Occasionally we'll sneak over to the vacated office we use for storage of lab equipment, and engage in sexual activities other than penetration. I've also been catching, what seems like, hints from some of the women in the office. They'll do small things like say something out loud when they're walking by and I'm not facing them, or touch me unnecessarily. One girl will always include herself in conversations I'm having with someone else, and hold eye contact with me only. I've been hesitant on approaching them for several reasons. I don't know if it's such a good idea to be involved with women at work. Also, these women are lovely. And most of the men at work are always feeding them attention and compliments. I do neither. So I don't know if they're after me for their own personal ego boost or what, or if they're genuinely trying to see what's up. I've been getting so much of the latter though, that I'm burned out and not really looking to have my energy and time go to waste just for another woman's own self benefit (esteem +++).


As expected, the lack of success and surplus of time and energy wasted is slowly starting to make me bitter....again. I don't understand why everything has to be such a game. Been talking to one guy, and he's got an army of 10/10 women at his feet. His method? Play their game, and manipulate them with push and pull techniques. I employed it for a month, and I had a whole "team" of women and numbers on my phone. Lewd photos and what not. It didn't last long, cause as soon as I dropped the game playing for a second, and exposed my genuine self and genuine interest, they disappeared on me. So now I have no women on my phone, no lewd photos, etc. Just trying to figure out when all the time and energy wasted will be worth it? Because as far as I've gotten, it's almost hopeless. For some reason or another, women go the opposite way when you show them that you're interested in getting to know them.


Maybe they've got other options on the table? :/ The dating game is really tough when you're dealing with lovely women in their 20's. It's just a game to them, and guys are highly expendable to them, at least that's how they treat me. But older women will always ask me why I'm single, like I'm supposed to have an army of women at my feet or something? One even asked me if I was gay, to which I laughed, smiled and replied with a solid "No.". She said she couldn't understand why a guy like me can't find a nice girl...and damnit man, I told her I didn't either. I don't understand why it's so difficult, and why it's such a gauntlet. Guess these women just have too many options to settle. So their life is just one giant party and ego inflation, or at least, that's how it pans out from my side of the table.


-Mr. Dream Merchant


You want us to believe that just 10 days ago the most you could get was some quick fooling around from a coworker, but now you not only have that coworker, but dozens of other women all dying to get into your pants?

Edited by AmEricanWomann
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The OP also went through a phase of complaining how all women he knew wanted a relationship with him, not just something casual. He wanted to know how to find women that would only want a fling. In the quoted post above he complains about the opposite.

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I'm going to take a different tack here... and tell you this...


The son of a very close friend of mine went through what you are going through.


He confessed to having slept with 46 women by the time he was 21. He felt a mixture of pride, shame, and frustration about not wanting a relationship with them... or running for the hills the minute things started moving closer with any of them.


Young men are given alot of mixed messages when it comes to women. Why they think they are exempt from the same judgement is beyond me... but it was up to me as a responsible other adult in his life to help him out (he didn't feel comfortable talking to his mom about it).


If this kid hadn't basically 'grown up' with me, I would have been thoroughly disgusted. But he had grown up with me, and I knew what a sweetheart he was (or could be).


I believe that what ultimately brought him to want to change his behavior was the early death of his father. A man who spent his whole life doing that behavior... including on this young man's mother. This young man watched the destruction it caused in the lives of many... including his own.


Two options...


1) People have suggested one way... you tell your partners fully and up front what your expectations are (if you want to continue this lifestyle). No lies of omission. No after the fact BS. Up front.


2) If you don't want to continue this way, then seek counseling. You may even consider a period of abstinence for awhile as a means of self-growth... as crazy as that might sound to you right now.


The 'happy ending' to this story is that this young man (gorgeous, sweet boy that he is) has been in a relationship with a very fine young lady for almost two years now. Somehow she managed to look past his earlier transgressions and gave him a chance.

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mr.dream merchant

She texts me good morning and when I reply "Oh hey what's up" she gets hot. This chick is getting too clingy. At least my co-worker is cool about it all, but still, I try to keep my distance lol. I just want to have random play, not a relationship.

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God im so glad ive never met any guys like you before...but then again i dont ever **** on the first date and if a guy pushes for it im gone.


Get a prostitute.....then nobodies feelings get hurt.

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mr.dream merchant
It's simple to answer your question, you don't care.


Personally, I can relate. I go on a lot of dates, a lot of first dates, but it's just cause I like getting to know girls. I don't do it for the sex. I do it for the thrills and excitement of going out with someone new and just to go out. But I tell them straight up, I'm off the relationship block.


I actually go into it, not wanting sex, sure it crosses my mind, but I don't. However, I do go out with my friends a lot and drink. At times, I drunk text these girls, I tell them straight up that I want some and their cool with it. And they most definitely know that I am drunk. They get kind of clingy afterward and then I apologize for my rash behavior. In which, then I kind of get a little more distant. I think its just natural. But the sex is almost always offered again, when I'm sober, but I decline almost every time. Sometimes FWB, but I decline, cause I someone's going to get hurt and I do like going out to places, so it can't be just about the sex, I'll take them out and stuff.


Well right now, I'm just trying to lay low for a while and to try and focus on myself. But I can call each and one of these girls and they'll be cool with me. They appreciate my honesty, I guess. However, I do believe some are bitter that I didn't get into relationships with them or pursue the dating further.


Girls want sex as much as the next guy. I just feel that guys can detach their emotions from it so much easier. But the whole time, I'm up front and honest and I do just want to be friends with these girls in the end.


Of course they're bitter bro. But they come back for good sex, always. Lol man, one girl, she was so bitter that she decided to take it to my facebook status update about another woman. Lmao, that ended horribly for all parties involved.


Thing is, I was upfront with my co-worker. She's cool, real cool. With the other chick, I never said anything about a relationship, nor did I say anything about wanting one. My exact words were let's hang out, kick back and have fun. But she's getting so clingy. I just want to sleep around, have fun, rack up the numbers. It's kind of a fun game. I'm in competition with my friends, sometimes I'll come home and when my mom is asleep I'll tell my dad, sometimes he laughs and goes "You'll never outdo me when I was single." I'm determined to. It's been about 4 months since I last got laid, 4-6 I lost count really. But starting 2-3 weeks ago, I've been baggin up numbers easy. Everywhere I go a woman wants to talk to me. I'll do chivalrous ****, compliment them on their smile, beauty, give em nicknames like "love". They love it lol. And it gets their panties off real quick. So that's what I've been doing. But now I'm getting so much attention it's like I'm drowning in it lol. And chicks are getting too clingy. Ugh. Can I live?

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Disenchantedly Yours
I just want to sleep around, have fun, rack up the numbers. It's kind of a fun game. I'm in competition with my friends, sometimes I'll come home and when my mom is asleep I'll tell my dad, sometimes he laughs and goes "You'll never outdo me when I was single." I'm determined to.


Lets see, you work but you live at home.......what??? Why aren't you living on your own? Now I really don't believe you because living at home with the parents isn't much of a panty dropper.


This website seems to be for people that come to it for dating or relationship advice? Why are you here? You're not looking for dating advice. You're just looking to put women down and laugh about them behind their backs. You have the makings of a misogyonist, regardless of your exploits being true or not. You don't like women. You actively disrespect them by taking advantage of them and plying them with kind words. You wait until your mom goes to bed so you and your dad can laugh at all the women you are mentally abusing. And yes, you are mentally abusing these women. Because your saying things you don't believe just so you can sleep with them. And the amount of self loathing you have for yourself still seeps through.

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I just want to know why I get cold on them after we have sex.


That is the end result of f****ing women in a vacuum. There is nothing there dude. It is a very empty life and that is why you feel nothing.


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Of course they're bitter bro. But they come back for good sex, always. Lol man, one girl, she was so bitter that she decided to take it to my facebook status update about another woman. Lmao, that ended horribly for all parties involved.


Thing is, I was upfront with my co-worker. She's cool, real cool. With the other chick, I never said anything about a relationship, nor did I say anything about wanting one. My exact words were let's hang out, kick back and have fun. But she's getting so clingy. I just want to sleep around, have fun, rack up the numbers. It's kind of a fun game. I'm in competition with my friends, sometimes I'll come home and when my mom is asleep I'll tell my dad, sometimes he laughs and goes "You'll never outdo me when I was single." I'm determined to. It's been about 4 months since I last got laid, 4-6 I lost count really. But starting 2-3 weeks ago, I've been baggin up numbers easy. Everywhere I go a woman wants to talk to me. I'll do chivalrous ****, compliment them on their smile, beauty, give em nicknames like "love". They love it lol. And it gets their panties off real quick. So that's what I've been doing. But now I'm getting so much attention it's like I'm drowning in it lol. And chicks are getting too clingy. Ugh. Can I live?


Girls only cling, for so long. Once you start ignoring them, it might spike for a moment, then it'll fade. But it has to be zero contact. Of course they'll get clingy, if you do romantic **** for them. And call them nicknames like "love",that's a pretty loaded word.


But you can't do it like me, bro. I'm up front, I don't need to lie. Plus, these girls, got no hate for me. More so, I'm not in it for the nook in the first place, but it any case it still happens.

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And it's tough, cause the women are on me. I go to Publix, I get 2 numbers. I go to Wendy's, I get a number. Any normal guy would stock up for a rainy day you know? But then they ****ing latch on, and I just feel smothered as ****. I don't even bring up a relationship. They just assume I'm on the same wavelength as them, that's just stupid.


You have that same little attachment problem that 6% of the population has.


You see, when you act how you act to get their numbers: the eye contact, flattery and confidence. You send them the message, albeit subconsciously, they you are really interested in them specifically for some reason.


Then you spend a few hours listening and being understanding of these women (who are easy, because that is the type you can smell out from. Mile away, probably what is an attrractor in the first place, the one's that don't "look" easy but carry themselves that way).


Women that were easy enough to connect with online or get a number in a public place after a 2-3 minute encounter. You can feel out who is an easy target via phone or chat. Women that are pretty much emotionally frail enough to "latch on."


Then you screw them because any extra work getting a sexual partner would require some form of attachment and focus.


Even if one took a lot of work, you have quite a few others to keep you occupied for awhile. Then you can't handle them outside of your "needs."


You don't have a nice oxytocin release upon orgasm, it gets inhibited by dopamine because you have charged it up so much. The ****ing feels off the charts but very empty afterward. Without oxytocin you cannot attach to anyone. Period.


Women do become objects and toys because you literally are deadening any feelings you might develop for the dopamine. The vast majority of us have some small attachment after sex.


To be frank, you are imbalanced. This imbalance is not uncommon in your generation because of oversexualization.


But if you ever want to be able to care about someone or have them care about you, without you feeling fear or shame, it does need to be dealt with.


These women that you can "take or leave anyways." You'd have to abstain for 90 days. Minimum. And start feeling whatever it is that is causing your brain to overproduce dopamine in the first place. It is almost always some kind of trauma.


Your mother overbearing?

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Most people with unresolved attachment disorders present as sociopathic on some levels.


In actuality, most of them are over-sensitive and they deaden the over-sensitivity.

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Mme. Chaucer
You sound sociopathic honestly.


He sounds like a waste of skin.

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Most people with unresolved attachment disorders present as sociopathic on some levels.


In actuality, most of them are over-sensitive and they deaden the over-sensitivity.


Where have you read this? It doesn't exactly fit with my understanding.

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You are a broken record. We've been through this before.


You're a dumbass if you think you're doing nothing. At least take responsibility for misleading them. You know what you're doing to give girls the impression that you care about them and want something more than sex from them. Just read my posts, I do the exact same thing, so I know how it works. Just grow some balls and admit what you're doing, you're only deluding yourself.

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