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Once I get it, I don't want it anymore..

mr.dream merchant

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What is it you want, Woggle? Women to wake up and smell the coffee when it comes to the horrible, gut-wrenching, soul-destroying abuse their sisters commit, or for more men to dish the same sh*t sandwiches as they do?

I don't expect women to wake up and smell the coffee. However, I think that more men need to be made aware of the true female nature. So many men still see women as delicate little flowers and "victims by default". The education system, as well as the popular culture, work very hard to ensure this image is ingrained in the minds of young boys, starting with early childhood.

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Next will we be putting them in stocks and hurling rotten veggies at their heads?

No, slandering them by comparing them to racists and klansmen should be sufficient :D

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I don't expect women to wake up and smell the coffee. However, I think that more men need to be made aware of the true female nature. So many men still see women as delicate little flowers and "victims by default". The education system, as well as the popular culture, work very hard to ensure this image is ingrained in the minds of young boys, starting with early childhood.


I agree that too many men (and women) see women as delicate little flowers. That is sexist too.


But I think the main point trying to be made by women who are responding to the OP's post is EXACTLY THAT:


The "true female nature" :rolleyes: is EXACTLY the same as the "true male nature". In other words - human. I mean, Jesus God, do you really think there is such a thing as a "female nature" that is somehow different from a "male nature"? WTF?


Understanding that we're all human also means understanding that it's just plain stupid to have double standards for choosing to have sex on a first date. Yes, stupid. Dumb. Moronic.


It's just that simple.

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I can't help but wonder if he is just baiting some of you women. He writes a crazy post and everyone gobbles it up, and you write huge logical responses as to why he is wrong. Its seems to be almost a PUA technique. Why are you giving him so much attention if you don't like him or his posts?


I didn't write a huge logical response in this thread, you'll notice, for this reason. :)


I wrote one comment to MDM because he said something I found patently stupid about penis size, and it made me laugh. :laugh: I think I mostly talked to Woggle. I think Woggle is mostly a good guy who gets misguided sometimes, so I'll talk to him. And then I talked to the other ladies because I like those ladies. I have no problem being grouped with S4S or Mme. Chaucer, though I think they're both wiser than me (experience will do that). I found S4S's post amusing, so I wrote a little something to her.

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This is not about double standards, this is about poor behavior. Behavior exerted by one person - the OP. People who trash others tend to do so because they have a trashy view of themself also.


As for casual sex, as long as people are upfront about their intentions then I don't see a problem.




But that's the problem. This is about double standards. The OP talks shxt about these women, calls them sluts and whore, because they sleep with him on the first date. He treats them like crap afterward because he thinks they deserve it. BUT he thinks it's just dandy for him to do it because he's a guy.


=======DOUBLE STANDARD. Hello??


Why is this so hard to follow? This is what people are objecting to in this thread.

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Hold on a minute. So basically, OP, you want to be able to sleep around with whoever you want and at the same time attract a "classy" girl. Classy women are not attracted to you because you spend your time acting like a slut and complaining about women getting attached to you when you only want them for sex because they "gave it up" too early.

Your logic and approach are all wrong. It has nothing to do with your looks, charm, or intelligence. If you want to attract a classy girl, stop sleeping around and start acting classy yourself. Maybe go without sex for awhile and work on developing an actual relationship with a girl you DO feel is worthy. But if while you are getting to know her you are sticking every other girl you can get your hands on, a smart, classy girl will smell that from a mile away and avoid you like the plague.

You created your own problem. No more complaining allowed. :)

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The "true female nature" :rolleyes: is EXACTLY the same as the "true male nature". In other words - human. I mean, Jesus God, do you really think there is such a thing as a "female nature" that is somehow different from a "male nature"? WTF?

The female nature is exactly the same as the male nature? You can't possibly be dumb enough to actually believe that.


I'm not saying that men are better than women. However, to say that we are all human is a gross and very unhelpful oversimplification. Men and women are hardwired differently (that's a fact) and thus have very different behavioural characteristics.

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I didn't add this quickly enough to my previous post:


And it's also about double standards on the part of the usual posse of kneejerk gender defenders.


He gets called on his crap, and a select group of guys rolls in to the rescue to say that the critics are a bunch of feminazis and that because the OP may have been hurt one time, it's totally reasonable that he behave that way.


======= double standard on the part of those posters, who would NEVER allow women the same defense. (Hi Woggle.)


That is really far worse than anything the OP said. He's just one dude.

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Disenchantedly Yours
Not exactly, but it was a nice reach. In actuality, these women are lucky to have me, only because they are providing a service. All I'm saying is that I will not date a woman who puts out easy. That's my preference alone to have. Deal with it kiddo. And I could give a **** about women who give birth everyday. All I ask is that you leave my mother out of it for the respect factor. If you can't understand that then obviously I stand over you.


No, I'm spot on with you. You're full of a lot of bravado and self contempt at the same time. Actually, the bravado is side affect of self contempt more often found in men. You're trying your hardest to convince everyone of your control. You confirmed this for me with your comment "...I stand over you." This is what your posts are really about. You don't feel incontrol in your real world. So you strive to have what control you can by treating women like dirt because it gives you a false sense of power. It's the same thing you see in people that have issues with food. Anorexia is a means for someone to control their food because they feel out of control. You're showcasing a lot of the same tendencies except your object of abuse is women. You don't have much respect for yourself. And you have even less respect for the women that have the "nerve" to be intimate with you. Self-hate yourself much.


I'm sorry but these women aren't lucky to have you. Trying to convince yourself of this while you laugh behind their backs or even to their faces shows a level of sociopathness. The only "service" you are providing is one of contempt for women that actually let you touch them.


There is nothing wrong with having an idea about how many partners you want your mate to have. Some people like more experienced people, some don't. I myself don't really like guys that have tons and tons of partners. I liek a guy that shows self restraint. He is going to be the better bet in building a life together then the one that acts on his impulses. But you don't even stand up for your own principal. You treat sex casually for yourself. YOu don't respect yourself enough to uphold the principal you believe in. And then expect to get some kind of White Unicorn girl out of the deal when you can't even live by your own code. That's a real shame for you.


Further, asking for things to be given out of "respect", such as leaving your mother out of the topic, in a thread where you show a gross amount of disrespect doesn't make much logical sense. No one here owes your mother or you respect. Although I suspect if you weren't displaying such grossly disrespectful loathing of women, more people would happily have given you more respect toward your mother then you're currently getting.

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Memphis Raines
I'm against the one sentence in her post where she says she wants men to get theirs


which is why she'll never find a satisfying relationship unless she becomes a lesbian.

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I'm sure the person who stupidly called OP's mother a whore wouldn't say that in his face in real life. It's easy to talk trash behind a computer screen thousands of miles away....


Ain't that the truth.

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Elysian Powder
Ain't that the truth.


Don't know about that. Many white knights would beat up the guy for a bit of female attention. Those monkeys in blue can be pretty rough.

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This thread and the comments being thrown back and forth, are so full of yuck, it's just...ugly.


Sad. :(


I don't value the OP's thought process, and yes, there are a lot of double standards involved. However, we do not know how he treats these women in real life, how he speaks to them, if he physically harms them. Some may view his thought process and comments as "abusive", but who knows how he is in real life. If someone is abusive towards another person, it will eventually unfold, when the individual lands in jail.


The main thing I see here, is a lot of attention seeking, and it being fed into.


Can we all PLEASE try to treat each other kinder? And last but not least...it's labor day weekend...and the anniversary of 9/11 is upon us.


Let's focus. :)

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However, I think that more men need to be made aware of the true female nature.


You're a funny lil guy! You know the "true female nature," now, do you? And you're the man to share it with yer bros!?!?:laugh::laugh:


You know, lots of us feminazis here on LS have amazing men in our lives.

I know I do. And I am confident and happy to say that he does understand my "true nature." Even without any help from you!


Do you actually interact with any women, in any fashion other than spewing lowbrow insults at all of us via Internet fora?


Doubtful. And it doesn't sound like you'd be interested in doing so. So, why not stick with whatever subjects you actually have some knowledge and interest in. I'm sure there must be some.

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But that's the problem. This is about double standards. The OP talks shxt about these women, calls them sluts and whore, because they sleep with him on the first date. He treats them like crap afterward because he thinks they deserve it. BUT he thinks it's just dandy for him to do it because he's a guy.


=======DOUBLE STANDARD. Hello??


Why is this so hard to follow? This is what people are objecting to in this thread.

OK, if you want to talk about double standards, if you really want to make this all about gender - then looks talk about the 'paying for dates' double standard. You know, the one where men are often harshly judged for not meeting the criteria some women have regarding how much men should pay towards them on a date. You know, the one where men are called cheapskates and many other colourful names. The one where a mans ability to provide for a woman, therefore be a suitable partner for this woman is questioned to the point of being ruled out simply because they failed to live up to their standards/expectations of what men should bring to the table monetary wise on these dates. And all this, despite the fact that the women involved haven't paid a single cent towards the date. Now no one ever asks these women - OK if this guy is a cheapskate then what does that make you? No one ever asks that, no one ever questions her behavior.


The women in this situation along with the OP and many men like him - they are all making 'gender based' decisions. They are all judging/selecting potential partners within the gender they are interested in and not according to how they themselves behave in this situations. This is common place, this is what many of us do. But, when women do it, well, there's very little fuss about any of this. Whether it be the paying for dates situation or whether it be men being overlooked for lacking a certain amount of confidence or physical presence (despite possessing much more of both than those doing the overlooking) - the behavior of the women involved is rarely questioned. Flip-side the other way, men like the OP, men who make gender based decisions, well - just watch the shyt fly. Double standards, hypocrisy, user, abuser, you name it.


Bottom line is, many, many people of both sexes make decisions like the OP. Most aren't as crass or in your face like him, guaranteed, but it is common place. If the double standard tag or labels similar are to be applied, then their needs to be consistency, they need to be applied across the board and not just mostly towards the one gender.




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You're a funny lil guy! You know the "true female nature," now, do you? And you're the man to share it with yer bros!?!?:laugh::laugh:


You know, lots of us feminazis here on LS have amazing men in our lives.

I know I do. And I am confident and happy to say that he does understand my "true nature." Even without any help from you!


Do you actually interact with any women, in any fashion other than spewing lowbrow insults at all of us via Internet fora?


Doubtful. And it doesn't sound like you'd be interested in doing so. So, why not stick with whatever subjects you actually have some knowledge and interest in. I'm sure there must be some.

Where do you see me "spewing lowbrow insults" at the female gender in general? Not all women are crusty, foaming at the mouth, 1970's-style feminazis, I am well aware of that.


And speaking of spewing lowbrow insults, that accusation is rather ironic coming from this board's #1 troll. It doesn't get any more lowbrow than comparing people to clansmen and racists simply for having a different opinion.


As for your allegedly happy relationship with the "amazing man" in your life...I can't comment on that, as I am not privy to the details of your relationship. I suppose you are inviting me to simply take your word for it, but I'm reluctant to do so, for obvious reasons. However, it is true that men, like women, come in every flavour. Some, I am told, are quite keen for strap-on wearing women...so I guess it's possible that you and your "funny lil guy" are indeed happy together :D

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Woman In Blue
Also, it's funny how people try to bring me down with personal attacks and what not. Coincidentally, it's the same 4-5 women who've been hounding me my whole damn Loveshack.org career lol. The women didn't enjoy the sex? Come on. My penis is a good bit above average, I'd have to be limp not to hit their G-Spot. Even then...lol..

LOL. Spoken like a true young 20-something dumbass who has no CLUE how a woman's body works or how to please a woman. But in all fairness, at his age, they're too damned clueless to realize that their pitiful di*cks are NOT the end all and be all. And the young 20 and 21 year olds he's hitting probably don't know any better than he does.


I wouldn't do this dumb kid for practice.


Too freakin' funny.

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Woman In Blue
I don't have gender goggles on again because gender very much is part of this issue. I am not talking about you personally but I would actually respect some women more if they simply admitted their bias. I wish they would just say what they really feel about men.

I'll indulge you Woggle. I despise most men and find them to be pigs, and I don't hide my disdain for them here on LS. However, I ALSO think the young girls that are stupid enough to drop their drawers two hours after getting together with this douche bag deserve whatever they get. He wouldn't be able to act like a pig if he didn't have a never-ending supply of witless bimbos to indulge him - it ain't rocket science.


But if it were a woman bragging about hitting everything in sight, I'd be equally disgusted with her, as well. While I have a low opinion of women who act like this, I admit I think it's about time men started getting back - in spades - what they've been dealing to women since time began.

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I admit I think it's about time men started getting back - in spades - what they've been dealing to women since time began.

You better be careful making such general man-hating statements on this board. Next thing you know, you'll have Mme Chaucer and the rest of the sisterhood on your case telling you what an awful, sexist person you are and comparing you to a clansman...On second thought, no you won't.

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Why don't you just swallow me already? You haven't come up for air yet and it's been almost a year. #Get.off.my.nuts.


Lol you know, I've always wondered what you, sally4sara and zengirl look like. I promise you're all overweight and under a 6/10. Don't hate me, just look in the mirror.


You are spot on about that, they likely post after they have spouted a massive cheeto flume out of their blowholes.

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I don't get the outrage. Young guys like the OP are a dime a dozen. I don't see where he is making promises or blatantly lying. He tells girls they are pretty (they probably are) and smiles at them. He charms them. Who cares. If they want a guy to want to be their boyfriend before they have sex, then they should wait for a guy who says he wants to be their boyfriend. Come on. This thread is ridiculous.

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mr.dream merchant
OK, if you want to talk about double standards, if you really want to make this all about gender - then looks talk about the 'paying for dates' double standard. You know, the one where men are often harshly judged for not meeting the criteria some women have regarding how much men should pay towards them on a date. You know, the one where men are called cheapskates and many other colourful names. The one where a mans ability to provide for a woman, therefore be a suitable partner for this woman is questioned to the point of being ruled out simply because they failed to live up to their standards/expectations of what men should bring to the table monetary wise on these dates. And all this, despite the fact that the women involved haven't paid a single cent towards the date. Now no one ever asks these women - OK if this guy is a cheapskate then what does that make you? No one ever asks that, no one ever questions her behavior.


The women in this situation along with the OP and many men like him - they

are all making 'gender based' decisions. They are all judging/selecting potential partners within the gender they are interested in and not according to how they themselves behave in this situations. This is common place, this is what many of us do. But, when women do it, well, there's very little fuss about any of this. Whether it be the paying for dates situation or whether it be men being overlooked for lacking a certain amount of confidence or physical presence (despite possessing much more of both than those doing the overlooking) - the behavior of the women involved is rarely questioned. Flip-

side the other way, men like the OP, men who make gender based decisions, well - just watch the shyt fly. Double standards, hypocrisy, user, abuser, you name it.


Bottom line is, many, many people of both sexes make decisions like the OP. Most aren't as crass or in your face like him, guaranteed, but it is common place. If the double standard tag or labels similar are to be applied, then their needs to be consistency, they need to be applied across the board and not just mostly towards the one gender.





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OK, if you want to talk about double standards, if you really want to make this all about gender - then looks talk about the 'paying for dates' double standard. You know, the one where men are often harshly judged for not meeting the criteria some women have regarding how much men should pay towards them on a date. You know, the one where men are called cheapskates and many other colourful names. The one where a mans ability to provide for a woman, therefore be a suitable partner for this woman is questioned to the point of being ruled out simply because they failed to live up to their standards/expectations of what men should bring to the table monetary wise on these dates. And all this, despite the fact that the women involved haven't paid a single cent towards the date. Now no one ever asks these women - OK if this guy is a cheapskate then what does that make you? No one ever asks that, no one ever questions her behavior.


I made the "gold-digger/using a man for money" comparison earlier on in this thread...so I certainly agree with you that women who decry men who don't act as mealtickets as "cheap" are worthy of criticism. Assuming you are actually saying that.


they are all making 'gender based' decisions. They are all judging/selecting potential partners within the gender they are interested in and not according to how they themselves behave in this situations. This is common place, this is what many of us do. But, when women do it, well, there's very little fuss about any of this. Whether it be the paying for dates situation or whether it be men being overlooked for lacking a certain amount of confidence or physical presence (despite possessing much more of both than those doing the overlooking) - the behavior of the women involved is rarely questioned.


"Short men" "expecting the man to pay" threads are a very regular feature of Loveshack. Do an advanced search, on this site for threads featuring the phrase "double standards" and see what comes up.



Flip-side the other way, men like the OP, men who make gender based decisions, well - just watch the shyt fly. Double standards, hypocrisy, user, abuser, you name it.


Bottom line is, many, many people of both sexes make decisions like the OP. Most aren't as crass or in your face like him, guaranteed, but it is common place. If the double standard tag or labels similar are to be applied, then their needs to be consistency, they need to be applied across the board and not just mostly towards the one gender.


Again, I agree with the last part of this comment. However, having seen other posts by Mme. Chaucer, sally4sara and other women who have got into it with the OP on this thread, I feel pretty confident in saying that these are people who have consistently expressed a commitment towards working towards fairness in their relationships with men. Fairness towards the man as well as towards themselves. People have the opportunity to express themselves with regard to all sorts of values on this board. For me, how much credibility a person carries relates not to how many friends they have on the board, or how aggressively they can argue, or how many people nod agreement to their posts. Their credibility rests on how consistent they are.


If you take the view that it's okay for the OP to apply double standards here (and I'm not saying you, specifically, do - I'm talking generally), then the consistent approach is agree that it's okay for women to also apply double standards. What I'm seeing on this thread is some men saying "the OP isn't doing anything wrong here...if the women consent to the sex and enjoy it, what's the problem?" Likewise if a man consents to paying for an expensive date and enjoys himself, so what if the woman has zero respect for him? So what if she's just using him to get an expensive night out/the opportunity to boast to others about how much money men spend on her?"


If I were reading/posting on a thread where a woman was coming out with comments like that, I'd probably take a swipe or two at her, because I just don't like that attitude. I'm sure some of the other women here who've been criticised for criticising the OP would do likewise. My experience of those posters is that they are very consistent in the personal values they express. So if you're addressing the OP's critics on this thread, rather than his supporters or apologists, I would say that you are preaching to the converted.

Edited by Taramere
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