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in love and insecure


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so here's the deal. i love my boyfriend very much. we started dating in october of 09. we broke up for almost two months earlier this year. anyway we got back together in april, and i do believe he loves me, but for some reason my mind always wanders to that time we were apart.


i don't know why i do this, because i have forgiven him. how can i forget this?


also, i trust him, but every time he goes out without me i think negatively. i don't say anything about him cheating on me bc i don't think he would.

i just feel so needy.. and jealous. there doesn't have to be a girl involved, sometimes i get jealous of his friends.


what i am trying to get at is, i really want to make this relationship be a long lasting loving one. does anyone have any tips on how to stop these negative ideas?

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