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Did I do the right thing?.????

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I met this guy one night, & I started talking about my daughter, he was shocked, so I stopped, anyway he gave me his number, I called him we never met up for 3to 3-1/2 wks later, while I was meeting a gf, he showed up, well she had to work late ,so we stayed & had the best time, I watched tv with him the next day for about an hour & he kept talking about us doing things in the future, dinner sometime ect. he is 2yrs younger, I left & realized he didn't know I have 2 other kids as well, I have never liked a guy so much in a short time, well my daughter he knows about is 10, my other daughter is graduateing & my son is almost 16, I'm so proud of my kids,but why didn't I tell him? So, I wrote a letter basically saying, I thought we were only gonna meet 1 or 2 & I don't share my personal life with just anyone, & I mentioned his reaction in the letter, & I understand, if he don't call i'll know cause I don't want face to face rejection, & I wished him well & I would like to get to know him better.

I'm not sure what I'm asking here, but I need help. did I do that wrong? If he's the kind of guy I like he'll except it right? But I think, I've been thru all the married & kids thing, I mean 2 of my kids are about grown, so that might push him away cause he hasn't done none of it. Please share your wise opinions & advice, I'm really going crazy, wondering if he'll call or not. By the way I just dropped off the letter & he probaby won't be home for a few hours.


Thanks for any encouragement or advice you can offer.

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You absolutely did the right thing. If he doesn't like you even more for the maturity and honesty that you've shown then he's not worth it.


It's entirely possible and understandable that he may be wary of having a "ready made" family, but you two have just met so there is someway to go yet. If he really enjoys your company I would think that he would want to get to know you better before worrying excessively about your excess "baggage" (I mean that in the nicest possible way :) ).

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