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Well me and my girlfriend have been together for almost a year. We met in high school when I was a senior and she was a junior. We liked each other and I eventually told her I loved her and had my eyes on her for a whole school year before I actually had the guts to talk to her. But eventually I pulled moves and got this girl to accept my advances from friendship :) then after I graduated I was set to leave to a college 4 hrs away. BUT I didn't have intentions on leaving her and getting into a long distance relationship. So I took a semester off and decided to go local. And I got a job for now to save for some college supplies since I was dead broke lol but anyways...a few days ago she told me she had to go to college in another country (she was what they call "illegal")....and now either we should continue in a long distance relationship or call it quits (which neither of us want to do but we don't want to get hurt by each other later on in time if we meet other people) and this is both our FIRST relationship. Yes I was a senior and so is she and we both never took part in anything in hopes of finding the right person and we are sure we are it (hopefully ) but should we call it quits or continue and milk it as long as we could?

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The fact that you said you are worried about staying in the relationship because it might ruin your chances with people you will meet in the future and the fact you called staying in the relationship "milking it" says that you both should move on. You guys are young and will meet lots of new people in college and you will just end up hurting and resenting each other.


Everyone has a special attachment to their first love but it is rarely the only one you will have. Get out there and experience new people, learn and live life.

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