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how did it happen for you?

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ok, I've got my great life and peaceful self-reliant self.

But there's still that elusive relationship ( which I'm not sure isn't fantasy ) which I want.


Encourage me; indulge me!

If it did: tell me how it happened for you.


Is love really that random?

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I was friends with a girl at work. She was friends with another girl I never met. That girl was friends with my girlfriend. They got us together after I told my friend she should help me meet someone. Kind of a long chain, I guess. I almost didn't call her when I got her number. It took me a week, because I'd just been on a blind date and it was a drag.


It's been hard for a lot of reasons, but I'm glad I called her. I have lots of hope for the future.

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Not random for me - I had to actively seek him out.


I was at the age where most of my friends were married with kids and I was the lone single. I ended up making some new friends that were also single (by signing up for sports/activities) and we started going out. The bar scene though was not for me. We ended up signing up on lavalife (a Canadian internet dating site) as a new way to meet men. It was actually kind of fun and we had friends who could help make sure it was safe.


On my first date with my fiance, we found that we had in fact gone to the same University (at the same time), were at the same parties and had friends in common. We should have met then, but didn't. We also found that we had worked two blocks away from each other and lived near each other at one time and never met. We also shared the same eye-doctor.


We ended up meeting on the internet. Go figure.

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It was the same way with my recent ex. We, too, had been in the same places at the same times for most of our lives - including moving to the same cities! - but met on the Internet. I, of course, thought this was surely an omen that we were 'meant to be'. I guess I needed to learn the lessons I learned from him, but it didn't last. Too bad, because it made a good story for a while.

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Playing solitaire online one night, we started talking, and the rest is history as they say. (He says it was my sense of humor but I think he must also be warped to even understand my jokes).


Actually his best friend is a good friend of mine, so I have no doubt we would have met sooner or later :D


Although in reality we shouldn't work out at all, I love sports and will attend a hockey game/Nascar race/football game rather than be at a museum or art exhibit. He isn't interested in sports(although he played football in high school and college) and rather read books than to watch a movie.


Random yes, because when I met him, a relationship was possibly the last thing I needed in my life. But I wouldn't trade a moment of it. :love:

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Totally Random


I was in college and working as one of those mall-crawling people with a clipboard and a pen and asking people to take a survey! (actually, I had a screener doing that for me that night and I was in the office conducting the interviews)


Anyway, the screener brought him back to do a survey on answering machines (okay, this was when AM's cost a lot and most people did not have them) and during and after the interview we chatted a bit and he asked me if I would have coffee with him after work. We could both feel something--some kind of static electricity or the proverbial 'spark' as we were talking. I met him at the Denny's that shared the mall parking lot and we sat there for hours (closed the place down) just talking. He walked me to my car, I went home (mom and I were sharing an apartment then) and she asked me how this date went. I calmly said that if I ever got married he would be the one. Two years later we were married. Our marriage lasted over 20 years, and more than likely we will stay friends and may fall in love again and remarry (he is hoping for that and I'm at the 'we'll see' stage since we are still in the process of divorce). :rolleyes:


Working for that survey company was great. I made my own hours based on my class schedule and I was able to question, in detail, the guys (education, marital status, children, income, etc.) and I dated a lot! :D

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