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I finally talk to this girl but another problem comes about

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Well, as you saw in my last topic I asked for advice on how to talk to a girl that I was really attracted to. l saw her again, and went for it. We had a great conversation and we are planning to go out next weekend. Now another problem comes up, she has a boyfriend. I see her a lot, and I've never seen them together. I dont think they are in a deep relationship. But I really like this girl and I want to have great relationship with her.but i know i cant do that know because she is in another relationship. I really like her, and I think she likes me to, but dont want to lose this chance. can someone help me with this problem?

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So you're going to take out this girl that already has a b/f. And you do not want to pass it up... hrrmmm


It's a problem alright, I say don't take her out and let her be.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Lancs vann

I dont know why some of you chaps are so depressed - you have loads of time on your side - not like me who is much older and as never had a girlfriend - nor im i likely too. Women just dont want to know me - and am slim and tall - not fat and ugly.


Ahh well.............

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Originally posted by hurtingandconfused

What chance are you talking about?


Good question.


She has a boyfriend therefore she's not available.


Pretty simple really.

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