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Online Dating???

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Ok, have any of you tried any of the online dating services?

I feel like if I break down and do this I'm going to be a the loser that had to find a woman on the net..


I just can't seem to meet woman in the "real" world...

Maybe I'm cursed to spend the rest of my life alone :eek:

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I feel like if I break down and do this I'm going to be a the loser that had to find a woman on the net..


Count me in! :D

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Oh for goodness' sakes. Once upon a time, people lived in closer communities and there were bigger families to introduce people to each other. Your choices for mates were limited to the folks in your immediate area. Now you have the whole world to choose from thanks to the wonders of technology.


You can spend time getting to know someone without letting hormones screw up your head and get in the way. There are plenty of really good reasons why the internet is not where 'losers' find others.


Yeesh. :rolleyes:

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I have been curious about this topic for a few weeks. I find it hard to meet someone in my hometown and when I do it just doesn't happen. Since mucking around on my computer in chatrooms etc I came upon a guy that lives in the same country as me. We have since been emailing each other and now know what each other looks like after posting photo's.


I don't look at it as anything more than 2 friends keeping in touch but it is alot of fun. I can understand how people meet this way and end up married with kids as Im finding Im looking forward to when I hear from him next. We've exchanged mobile numbers as well and send text messages every now and than and Im going to be brave enough one day to actually call him.


My cousins brother -in-law met a lady in canada over the internet and they are now married with thier second child on the way. It can work I guess for some, you just have to be very cautious. It's not that you are desperate to meet someone. Your just seeking other avenue's to try to find that special someone.


Good Luck :D

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I have several good friends who I first 'met' on the internet, I'd certainly try it if you're finding it hard to meet a mate.


Don't look at negative labels, it's whatever works for you.

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How is meeting someone online any different than meeting someone at a bar? It really isn't.


I've dated a few over the past many years. Nothing good ever came from it, honestly, and some of them were COMPLETE psychos, but then again, some of them were really cool and great to hang out with.


Don't let any stupid taboo discourage you. Lots of people have wonderful luck with this sort of thing. My best friend met his wife on AOL, ditto for another pair of friends of mine.


Go for it, I say. Just....be wary. Don't expect anything.

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I've dated some girls that I met online before. I also met some and became friends with them. It is hard to talk to a girl online though because it's just typing and it's difficult to talk over the internet because things will always get in the way. A girl from the internet won't give her your number right away because you got to talk for quite sometime first for her to trust you and make sure you aren't no stalker or a creepy person. I don't blame them. I always think like that too when a girl asks for my number because I really don't know much about her. Plus, I always here those online dating stories over the news and they never have been good. I haven't met a girl from the internet for a while now and I don't play on doing it anymore.

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