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I'm still really grieving my ex-bitch, for the good times we had, and for the person I thought she was...but I'm entering the anger stage now. I'm so Pissed off!


But...the other night, I ran into an old college acquaintance that I never really ended getting together with, but we both always flirted, I just think neither had the guts to act further. But now, I feel I'm ready to see women a little, and want to call this girl to do something. At the mall, she explicitly told me that she's always had the hots for me, so I pretty much know I could get her (I'm not as cocky as that sounds, really...but in this case, it's true).


The thing is, I'm still in alot of pain over my ex, and obviously still have feelings for her. How do I pursue the new girl, while setting the stage early on that we're gonna take it light. I'm just not ready for a serious relationship yet. I know I'm definitely jumping ahead here, it's just that I think this girl really likes me, and I don't want to hurt anybody...just want to try to have a little bit of a good time. I'm sick of bars, my buddies, etc. I wanna be with a girl again.


What I was planning on doing was seeing if she wanted to meet up after work on fri, and take it from there. I don't wanna take her on a real date..NOT because I'm a selfish slime, but because I'm not ready for that-for three years, I only did that with my ex, and I'm not ready for that with a new girl...I don't wanna hurt her, lead her on...just wanna see her a little, and see where it goes.


Lastly, could this help me heal from my previous relationship? It's been 2 mos. and I'm still having a pretty tough time. I burden counselors with it now, instead of Tony, Artlover, The Truth, Deejette, and the rest o' ya. But is 2 mos a long time to be greiving alot over some bitch that cheated, stole (literally), lied, etc?

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You're doing okay. You've moved out of the grieving stage into the tell-it-like-it-was stage. You see the truth now and you see there's a better life and better woman for you.


You've still got a little recovery left so be careful not to fall head over heels into the comfort the new woman offers you. Take it slow and be honest with her about all you've just told us and you'll manage to make this more than a rebound relationship.


Go ahead and pursue. It's time for something good in your life.


Best wishes

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Paulie- here's what you do- refer to YOUR paragraph number 3- now THIS is a good time to be honest. Just tell her how you feel-without telling her all the sorted details about the ex-girlfriend. Too much information might spoil the beginning of a good friendship. Two months is not a long time- especially if you truly loved your girlfriend. It sounds like you are ready to take the next step in the healing process-and you are wise to take it slow.


Don't automatically assume that your friend is sizing you up as husband material- she may be looking for the same thing you are- you won't know until you tell her how you feel. Good luck! Jenna

I'm still really grieving my ex-bitch, for the good times we had, and for the person I thought she was...but I'm entering the anger stage now. I'm so Pissed off! But...the other night, I ran into an old college acquaintance that I never really ended getting together with, but we both always flirted, I just think neither had the guts to act further. But now, I feel I'm ready to see women a little, and want to call this girl to do something. At the mall, she explicitly told me that she's always had the hots for me, so I pretty much know I could get her (I'm not as cocky as that sounds, really...but in this case, it's true). The thing is, I'm still in alot of pain over my ex, and obviously still have feelings for her. How do I pursue the new girl, while setting the stage early on that we're gonna take it light. I'm just not ready for a serious relationship yet. I know I'm definitely jumping ahead here, it's just that I think this girl really likes me, and I don't want to hurt anybody...just want to try to have a little bit of a good time. I'm sick of bars, my buddies, etc. I wanna be with a girl again. What I was planning on doing was seeing if she wanted to meet up after work on fri, and take it from there. I don't wanna take her on a real date..NOT because I'm a selfish slime, but because I'm not ready for that-for three years, I only did that with my ex, and I'm not ready for that with a new girl...I don't wanna hurt her, lead her on...just wanna see her a little, and see where it goes. Lastly, could this help me heal from my previous relationship? It's been 2 mos. and I'm still having a pretty tough time. I burden counselors with it now, instead of Tony, Artlover, The Truth, Deejette, and the rest o' ya. But is 2 mos a long time to be greiving alot over some bitch that cheated, stole (literally), lied, etc?
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Before you get too involved with this lady, make sure she isn't the one who posted earlier inquiring about the pros and cons of the size of specific parts of the male anatomy and how that may apply in a relationship with those men who are finer endowed.

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Paulie read your post again and follow your own advice that you gave us, really you did say what you should do.

Before you get too involved with this lady, make sure she isn't the one who posted earlier inquiring about the pros and cons of the size of specific parts of the male anatomy and how that may apply in a relationship with those men who are finer endowed.
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