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Does he still want me?

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Last winter I started hanging out with a friend of an ex boyfriend after we ended up having a class together at college. At the time we were both in faltering relationships, something that brought us closer together. After a series of platonic coffee dates, we went out drinking and ended up making out. He confessed that he had had feelings for me for some time.


A few weeks later we were both single. While initially he was extremely keen to meet me, I was more hesitant, as I did not want to be a "rebound". However, I slowly began to realize how much I liked him, and came round to the idea. Of course, by this time he had come to his senses and realized that he was not ready for a relationship so soon.


What followed was several months of me being pretty pathetic - I initiated most of the contact, while he seemed a lot more distant (although he continued to insist that he was interested, but the timing was wrong), and there were a few emotional freakouts on the way.


Eventually I decided to stop being in denial and try to move on this summer. I stopped getting in touch, stopped suggesting we meet up, etc.


Then a short time age I sent him an instant message regarding a practical matter, and he immediately suggested we meet up the next day. He seemed pleased to see me, offered to walk me home, said we should go out again soon.


So I guess my question is... Does he still want me, despite the months of not showing much interest? Did my lack of communication reignite his interest, and if so, should I continue to play it cool?

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