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brutal honesty needed


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Okay, so I broke up with my ex boyfriend ~3 months ago and I was an absolute wreck for the first 2 months but now I'm fine and really happy. Part of the reason I'm so happy is that for the last 3 weeks or so, I've been sleeping with a close friend of 3.5 years every time we drink together (which has been approx 10 times in the last 3 weeks). The problem is that I have feelings for him and even had feelings for him while I was with my ex. He does show some signs of interest but for now I'm going to assume that he sees me as nothing more than a FWB.


The bigger problem, however, is that his ex gf (amazing girl. I met him through her and she's a great girl who I have a lot of respect for) and him are on what can only be described as a glorified break and it sounds like they will eventually get back together. They, however, describe themselves as nothing more than really good friends and the other week, while she came home with our group of friends after being out for her ex's birthday, her ex came and slept in a bed with me (no sex as my friend was also in the bed), although no one but our group can know that we are sleeping together. In the last 2 weeks, I've met up with and slept with my ex twice. I have absolutely no feelings for him anymore but I think I may have done it just to feel better about the fact that the guy I'm sleeping with also sees his ex, although he said they don't sleep together.


I need brutally honest opinions. I think I'm going to be told that I need to start seeing other people and leave this guy because I'm just going to be the one that gets my heart broken in the end. What I was thinking was to tell him that we can't continue sleeping together because I already love him as a friend and I dont want sex to blur the line between loving him as a friend or more because I'm under the impression that he will end up back with his ex. I'd only say this because I'm hoping he'll chase me. Ideally, I'd like a relationship with my friend and for his ex to be okay with it... but I can't imagine that happening. Ahhh my head is an absolute mess! I think about him a lot and I know he thinks about me because he finds any excuse to message me but I'm wondering whether I'm just reading into it too far or he has feelings for me as well.

Please help. If you've even read this far, thank you.

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