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Out of sight, out of mind?

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My boyfriend and I have been in long distance for about two weeks. I left for college on the 14th of august. Tomorrow is leaving for Columbia in chicago and I am at a school in Ohio. So even though I have been at this college for two weeks and we have been able to keep things great, now hes going. Im just nervous, I have never been in a ldr before and neither has he. but he really wants us to stay together and work, so do I. I dont particularly like to video chat but he does. so i do it with him like once a week. and we have been talking on the phone every day. Of course i have been able to talk to him every day because hes been home, and ive made time. but i know he will be in his welcome week of college and getting used to everything so there wont be as much talking in the next week im assuming. ANyway...


I just want some advice on LDR's. Pros, cons, how we can make things work, how often we should talk, signs to look out for?

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First of all, no, it's not 'out of sight, out of mind' - if it was it would probably be a lot easier! There's no escaping the fact that LDRs can be a rollercoaster ride and take a lot of trust and excellent communication BUT if you love each other you'll make it work for as long as you can - hopefully all the way through the LDR and out the other side.


Most importantly I would say definitely DON'T 'look for signs'! :eek: What are going to be looking for? Signs of cheating, lying and dishonesty from your boyfriend? That's the exact opposite of 'trust'.


You should communicate openly, honestly and as often as possible and in whatever way works for both of you. Phone, skype, IMing, texting - we all need and want different kinds of communication and you're best working out beween you how to keep both of you happy in the relationship.


If you do a search through the LDR forums you'll find a lot of ideas that have helped other people to get through the tough times.


Good luck! I hope it works out for you. :)

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