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Advice Needed!!

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I cry over him everyday. He just stopped caring for me. He won't even talk to me anymore and ignores me. I don't know why the break-up ending so badley. It hurts more when he ignores me than it did when he broke up with me. If he knows i'm going to be at some place he doesn't show up. When I instant messages him on aim he didn't even respond. I know I should stop talking to him, but I think its unfair that he didn't give me a good reason for leaving, or any closure. I returned his stuff to his friend, and I hope time does heal because its been awhile, and I can't get him out of my mind.

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It will get better, don`t worry...just stop contacting him.I know it hurts when somone you love endlessly ignores you...but time really heals everything...look at me! I`ve met my ex ( he dumped me 4 months ago, during the time we made love!can you belive this?) and he ran away!!!And today I keep asking myself over and over again...HOW COULD I EVER LOVE THAT PIECE OF S**T?????????


good luck



p.s. forgive me for my english,( not perfect) but I am Italian

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i know how you feel. Im going through the same thing. itll go away after awhile and then you'll be mad at him . lol. Thats how i am, im just mad at him now.

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The hurt does go away, but you will go through stages of breaking up. Crying is probably the best way to relieve yourself from all the hurt. Do not contact him, it will just be harder on you, love yourself at this moment. It should be about you now. Take care of yourself and give your heart time. If you ever need someone to talk to you know where to find us.

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Hey, sweetie, hang in there......be strong because you know you are. What goes around, comes around, and someday, someone will hurt him and then he'll realize how much he wronged you. I know you're very confused and in search of many questions that may never be answered. Funny how the only person that can probably make you stop crying, is exactly the one making you cry...I hope that you'll find happiness in the near future.

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Thank you everyone for responding. I am going to stop talking to me, and I know one day he will come back. However, I will call the shots then. I think the healing process has begun, and is he wants to be an idiot...well, I'll let him. It is funny, when you break up with someone you see their true colors. Thank you all again for the wonderful advice. I wish you guys all the luck as well!!


Like me and my friends say


br0es before h0es

and chicks b4 dicks! \



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guys always do come back..and when they do the girls always say no...its just so funny

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