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billy the kid

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geez you are so good.. I mean for reals. How did you know it was Virgil? I enjoyed your post so much I copied it to read at lunch tomorrow while I speculate questions of love. To answer your question, if I have the rest of the poem yes I do but it is a bit long, but if you would like to read it( what I sent you was a translation from Dryden) the actual verse is the sixty-ninth line of Virgil's Tenth Eclogue, or you can read Dryden's Palamon and Arcite. Again I would really like to know if and how you knew this. I'm very impressed...


So how about another one? First do you speak latin? If so do you agree with this " Qui me amat, amat et canem meum", and if you don't do the latin thing, tell me what you think of passionate love and the death of that loved one, and were not talking about mom or dad or siblings, I think you knew what I meant I just didn't want any confussion.. Hope y


you sleep better this evening, can't wait for tomorrow.


Ps I figured out for reals who Tony is.. I'll tell you oct.1 when I am positive.

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Wow; I've never been someone's lunchtime reading material before. Thank you for such a nice compliment.


I've got this fabulous picture in my mind now of a man sitting outside, gazing heavenward to ponder love while he munches on a sandwich.... Just where do you go for lunch to create these lovely questions?


Zoology and latin. You're a curious man, Billy.


Now as to the quote... " Qui me amat, amat et canem meum",


Yes I agree except perhaps when it comes to chihuhuas... and actually, I often find the canem the easiest part of the duo to love. In truth, latin is not my thing and I'm hoping not to have missed the mark too far.


When our beloved dies. What a beautiful, tragic question you've asked. I would like to say beautiful things of everlasting love. Of love that lasts beyond the grave and love that transcends the gap between heaven and earth, life and death.


I don't know Billy. I don't believe heaven could be heaven if we had the ability to carry the greatest of emotions with us. I think death, sadly, is more powerful than the love between man and woman. I think that is death's terrible power: separation.


And having said that I will completely contradict my beliefs to share the truth of something rather beautiful. I've mentioned my first love before on the loveshack. He was a beautiful, charismatic Panamianan, Edy. The year after he returned to Panama from college in USA, he was killed in a car accident. My beautiful angel gone....


Over the next several weeks an old song kept playing on the radio at my saddest moments... the words were something like... "don't be afraid Oh my love, I'll be watching you from above...".


At night I cried and gathered my pillows around me wishing they were his arms. I wrote love poems. One day on the way to work I suddenly found a hearse speeding up behind me on the interstate. It scared me and I felt it was chasing me. I sped up until I could turn off the highway. As our ways separated, I was aware I had finally been forced to choose life over the sad death I was becoming. I dreamt of Edy that night and I woke remembering his smile.


So Billy, I believe death ends our relationship but the living carries on with the love. I'm not sure the Bible would support this but I believe sometimes, in the case of such rare love, God allows special moments between the taken and the heartbroken to allow a better goodbye... something of a final sweet touch in spirit.


What do you believe about love after a lover's death? Have you ever lost a lover to death?


What do you do with your zoology degree, Billy? Have you ever opportunity to pet a lion?


I recognize the type of women you talked about yesterday. What unhappiness we create when we make money our lover.


Can't wait to hear the Tony theory... Why October 1?


We're expecting thundershowers tonight. It should be lovely. Sleep well among your dreams of love.

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