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time to marry


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I've been living with my girlfriend now for a year and she's been wanting us to get married. Well now I've decided to get married, but not with her. Though she's cute and I've enjoyed living with her and having sex, she's not the type of girl I would wanted to get married to. I was hoping to find a beautiful virgin to be my wife and mother of my children. I've now found the right girl and obviously she doesn't want me living with another girl anymore. My girlfriend is all upset and can't believe I would leave her after living with her for a year. What did she expect? I obviously wasn't willing to make a commitment with her, otherwise I would have been willing to marry her. Right? Now that I found the right one, I want to get married.

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Well I don't know what you are looking for here. But if you are asking for someone's blessing and someone to say you are an honest, upright, fine example of a man of ethics and integrity who is unselfish and fair to all, YOU WON'T GET IT FROM ME, BUDDY!!!


The girl you don't want to marry is the luckiest in this entire scenario. At least she can go forward in her life knowing she won't find worse.


You may have found the right one...but the right one you found has really found trouble.

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I was hoping

to find a beautiful virgin to be my wife and mother of my children.




So you want a virgin? Is that what I am hearing?? What is that supposed to mean? Just because someone's a virgin they are better? What kind of a family do you come from?


You sound like a real hypocrite here. Looks like you've got some issues to deal with that may have come from having overly religious parents? Sounds like some "bible belting" mentality.

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Really- what "were" you looking for? You have to know that no one is going to agree with what you have done. It didn't seem like it- but could there possibly be some part of this story that you left out? Maybe the part that doesn't make you sound like such a complete jerk? Women were not put on this Earth simply for your pleasure- something to be used up and tossed aside when you are through. I fear that you are going to lead a very unhappy life- as well as make your future wife's life a living nightmare. And what will you teach your kids- good Lord- I don't even want to think about it. You might want to consider a good therapist-seriously.


On this site- if Tony can't offer any good advise-you can bet that you won't find it from anyone else here- sorry we can't help you.



Well I don't know what you are looking for here. But if you are asking for someone's blessing and someone to say you are an honest, upright, fine example of a man of ethics and integrity who is unselfish and fair to all, YOU WON'T GET IT FROM ME, BUDDY!!! The girl you don't want to marry is the luckiest in this entire scenario. At least she can go forward in her life knowing she won't find worse. You may have found the right one...but the right one you found has really found trouble.


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to find a beautiful virgin to be my wife and mother

of my children.

Dunno about anyone else, but I find it totally impossible to have a virgin as a wife and AS THE MOTHER of your CHILDREN. In order to have children, the wife must have sex.

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I, for one, am not a virgin by any means, and don't necessarily want a virgin for a wife. But I don't think it means you're a "bible belter" if that's what your ideal is. Some people just want that sense of having saved it for someone special.

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So what you're saying is that you have always wanted a sexually inxperienced woman to pledge yourself to? You are an ass. You are what gives men such a bad reputation. Lucky girl that you dumped, babe. She's really is the luckiest one.

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And sometimes men wonder why women treat them the way that they do. I am not saying two wrongs make a right, but when women are being used on this level, they feel the need to toughen themselves against men. I just cant believe you used this girl to feed your animalistic appetite, which animal? Im sure many would fit the description. For your next feeding, I hope you choke!!!!!

So what you're saying is that you have always wanted a sexually inxperienced woman to pledge yourself to? You are an ass. You are what gives men such a bad reputation. Lucky girl that you dumped, babe. She's really is the luckiest one.
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You sound shallow, emotionally immature, and mean for using the girl you lived with. Only a clueless girl would be able to accept a guy with your attitude. Have you told the "beautiful" Virgin-girl that you have been living with a "cute" girl just for sex? And what is so great about being "the mother of your children?" You are using her as an object too. These are not people to you, they are objects to be used. Where is the love and caring?

And sometimes men wonder why women treat them the way that they do. I am not saying two wrongs make a right, but when women are being used on this level, they feel the need to toughen themselves against men. I just cant believe you used this girl to feed your animalistic appetite, which animal? Im sure many would fit the description. For your next feeding, I hope you choke!!!!!
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  • 2 weeks later...

What you did was wrong. No doubt about it. What you did is called leading someone on, and it is not a good thing to do. It is un-gentlemanly, uncouth, unethical and just not wise. I have read a few books on dating, and it seems as a general rule you can go on about 3 dates with a woman, and by then you should have a pretty good idea if you want to be in an exclusive relationship with that person. I would say, any more than 3 dates and you are leading a person on. Give your head a shake Rich, and just don't do it again. You should also make an honest apology to the one you left, and not in a letter or on the phone, but in person. You need to do this so she will be able to heal and not hate other men.

Rich, Really- what "were" you looking for? You have to know that no one is going to agree with what you have done. It didn't seem like it- but could there possibly be some part of this story that you left out? Maybe the part that doesn't make you sound like such a complete jerk? Women were not put on this Earth simply for your pleasure- something to be used up and tossed aside when you are through. I fear that you are going to lead a very unhappy life- as well as make your future wife's life a living nightmare. And what will you teach your kids- good Lord- I don't even want to think about it. You might want to consider a good therapist-seriously.


On this site- if Tony can't offer any good advise-you can bet that you won't find it from anyone else here- sorry we can't help you. Jenna

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