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Can She Ever Have Feelings For Me Again


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I'm sure this questions has been asked a million times but can this happen. I met her about a 15 months ago at a Club Meeting and we became really close. After about 2 months we both admitted to liking each other; however, she was going to Med School at the end of that semester and we would have had only about 3 weeks to date, so we remained close friends instead.

Once she left, we stayed close in the beginning. Then she found someone in Med School and started dating him. She said that while part of her still liked me, she felt she needed to move on. I told her I still had feelings and would still be her friend, however, I became distant and conversations with her became scare (We went from talking 3x a week for about an hour each time to 1x a month for about 15 minutes).Her and that guy only lasted about 2 months, if that. During this time, I tried to move on, until I got into her Med School which was the best one I applied to.

Once I saw her again, my feelings started develop. I asked her on a date, but she said that while she once had feelings for me, she only sees me as a close friend. She said that she doesn't know if she'll ever have feelings for me ever again, as that's not something she can control. She hasn't tried to lead me on at all, but she says she really cares about me and I'm one of a few people in her life that matter, but she doesn't want to give me false hope that if we start becoming close again we'll end up dating. She also said that while she doesn't like anybody right now, she can't predict the future and might end up dating other people and not me.


My questions:

1.)Once a girl's feelings go away, can they ever come back?

2.)She wants me to be a part of her life, but she also says that if I can't handle it she'll respect my decision to walk away from her. Should I?

3.)I've liked this girl for 15 months now, which has been by far the longest I've ever liked someone. She would be a great friend to have if I didn't have feelings for her, but I don't know if I'll ever stop having feelings for her. At the very least What If's. Does this mean we can never be friends EVER?


And I'm fairly young, 21, in case anyone was wondering

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You need to walk away until your feelings subside. Right now, you'll only equate closeness with growing feelings. You are fooling yourself to think that if you two get close, as friends, your romantic feelings won't grow as well.


The last thing you need in med school is to have the pressure of school on top of that crushed feeling you'll get when after months of you two being "friends" she drops the bomb that she met some new guy and started dating him.

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