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Met this girl yesterday, how do I proceed?


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Hello everyone.


I was at a big club meeting at the university yesterday and while I was getting pizza I was looking around and when I looked in this one girl's direction she smiled at me. Not knowing for sure if this meant anything, I went over and sat down next to her. She spoke up and told me that she saw me everywhere, introduced herself and then asked me what my name was. I can't recall seeing this girl before, yet she said she saw me all the time. I don't remember exactly how, but when I told her what my major was she told me she was just about to ask that (the club was a major specific one, although people of different majors in the intro classes were there too). I talked to her a little while about her major, how boring the meeting was, etc.


Later on she said that her bus was coming soon but that she was going to stay there a few more minutes. Then she said "hey, let's go move to those chairs in the front to see if we can win any prizes". So we ended up moving and I sat with her for about 10 minutes or so before she got up and said thay she would see me around the building where all my classes are.

As she was leaving I had an "oh crap if you don't do this now you won't see her again" moment and stopped her and asked her if she had a facebook (I thought I'd look like a desperate idiot asking for her number after just meeting her). She took out a piece of paper and wrote down her full name. I was trying to say what my name was so she would recognize my request, but I was sort of stumbling around my words/hesitating and I think she sensed this because she said "I'm pretty easy to find" after writing it down.


I waited a couple hours and sent her a request and now I'm just waiting for a response (probably been like 10hours or so, no big deal). It may have been nothing but friendliness, but it seems like there is a good chance she is interested in me. I mean, I go across the room and sit next to her and she offers up the fact that she sees me all the time. For some reason she has noticed me. I guess I'm trying to be cautious in my approach and not think it is a sure thing because this girl is really attractive. What do you think?


Anyway, my plan is to try and talk to her on facebook for a while and gauge how talkative she is. If she seems like she would I think I'm gonna say something like: "hey, whats your #? Let's talk on the phone" and then ask her about going to eat with me and going to play a sport (her facebook says she is really active) like tennis or something.



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