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Here's a question for the man cave, are male strippers considered manly amongst the manly men? Something about girating your ding dong in a woman's face for a few dollars kinda takes the manliness a couple of notches down for me.


I once took some friends to a club in Barcelona that, the previous time I had been there, was a decent rave night. However, turned out it had changed into a more mainstream thing with Madonna in Spanish music and was hosting a hen night with a stripper. It just doesn't look right. Perhaps contrived and effete in a way. I mean, if it wasn't contrived and aided by a cock ring, he'd have shot his lot all over the place in a couple of minutes, had a ciggie then gone to sleep.

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Here's a question for the man cave, are male strippers considered manly amongst the manly men? Something about girating your ding dong in a woman's face for a few dollars kinda takes the manliness a couple of notches down for me.


I think it takes them down a couple of notches. I couldn't view a male stripper as an equal.


That being said, I knew a couple of football players at my university that made money on the side as strippers. They were pretty damn manly guys in all other aspects, so maybe it's a wash there.


Still, I here what you're saying.

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One of my exW's friends worked for Thunder from Downunder in Vegas and those male dancers seemed right on the money, though perhaps in a different league than a 'male stripper'. Good show. I haven't been to any male or female strip shows so can't comment. Have I missed out on a 'manly' activity? ;)

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Just another day at our man cave. I think I was drinking gin and tonics that day. They had that 'eastern' beer ;)


(yes, that's real life and my inane giggling on the video)


What is Eastern beer?


Really nice car you have there.


You might like this car: Bugatti Veyron (hey, we can dream)

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The car was a '68 Shelby GT350. Not mine. Owner of the 'man cave' where the pool table was located.


Eastern beer is everything I see in the stores when back there. :D


Down in Texas, they have so much money

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I knew I could count on you Tman. Unless the stripper is benchpressing my girlfirend while simultaneously giving me a lap dance and talking to me about his corvette or some other manly car then I just can't see a beefed up dude frolicking in his banana sock with dollar bills sticking out as 'classic manly'.:laugh:


betterdeal I think this is a question best answered by the men of the cave. Perhaps it is all in the technique you are using. Any pointers to help him out guys?


carhill I love your car... errr, I just saw your post... your friend's car! And yes, I've been to a chip n dale show in Vegas and the strippers there were a different caliber. In the end though, they are still selling themselves for money, and it seems to go against the 'manly' social concept.


Disclaimer: I am by no means a judge of what is manly or not (that is subjective). I just threw it out there as a topic of discussion for the manly men of LS.

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I remember my first car was a toyota tercel wagon. It was a $900 beater with over 300k on it and I was always a bit embarrassed driving it.


That is until i saw


I soon fell in love :love:. I miss that car.

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I remember my first car was a toyota tercel wagon. It was a $900 beater with over 300k on it and I was always a bit embarrassed driving it.


That is until i saw


I soon fell in love :love:. I miss that car.


Yeah the Toyotas aren't a sexy car but they go forever and are very reliable. I had a Camry 2.2 diesel with 190K on the clock and it never let me down. It's probably still running after I sold it five years ago.

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Spaten is good yes! Other good ones I enjoy from time to time are:




Shock top


Modelo Especial

Bud lights;)


The man cave needs more men I think!... lol this makes me think of a time when I convinced my sister (nearly impossible to do!) and a group of girlfriends to go to a club called The Cave. No one had heard of (I had gotten a flyer for $2 shots all night) and we all got sexied up only to discover once we got there that The Cave was full of men yes, but it was a gay bar:laugh: We still enjoyed ourselves and the shots were awesome. Actually come to think of it that night was a lot a lot of fun!


Here's a question for the man cave, are male strippers considered manly amongst the manly men? Something about girating your ding dong in a woman's face for a few dollars kinda takes the manliness a couple of notches down for me.


Lil1 :cool:, fancy seeing YOU here.


Lured in by the smell of testosterone, no doubt. ;)

I expect SmileFace to be along any minute...

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Spaten is good yes! Other good ones I enjoy from time to time are:




Shock top


Modelo Especial

Bud lights;)


Not impressed with Boddington's, Saporo and Bud Light, I'll try the other ones though.

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I know you hear about the bad stuff in Philly. But we have craft beer up the ying yang. Philly has Beer Week, which is the largest beer festival in the US. I suggest you check out beer from Philly area breweries: Dock Street, Philadelphia Brewing Company, Yards, Triumph, Victory or Flying Fish.


I pretty much stick to Philly beer, but my favorite is Magic Hat #9, which is brewed in Vermont.

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Google! Google! Come here, I have a question... Bernie Sanders?


Hmm. Memo to self: go to Vermont.

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From working in a liquor store, this is without a doubt our most popular beer.


Lucky Lager


Our highest selling product by a long shot. I've rung it in so many times the price is permanently tattooed to my mind. It occupies two fridges in our store.


My high school grad hoody even has the lucky logo on the back :rolleyes:

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