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Ok i guess this is a jealousy thing, but my boyfriend and i have been together about 2months now,

he broke up with his previous gf of 9months a month before he got together with me, now they are really good friends and she's since been down to stay with him, the enite week she was here, he either ignored me or introduced me to people as his friend if we were around her, now she's gone back home everything seems normal again, i just don't understand what my bf was playing at

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Bad news.


Broken up one month, starts seeing someone new, ex comes over & stays with him & he ignores you or introduces you as "a friend".


I suggest you just be friends with this guy too.

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I don't think that's just a "jealousy thing." That is pretty bad behavior on his part. I agree with bluechocolate.

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If would make me mad if my boyfriend introduced me as a "FRIEND" oh wait it has happen... Well i suggest you talk to him and find out what is up. it kinda sounds like your the rebound girl

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