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What matters more--boob size to men, or penis size to women?


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xoxoDaneillexoxo, you are right about that. People seem to want what they don't have. My brother dated a girl with beautiful blue eyes and she actually would wear brown contacts. Crazy.





That dress was goregous! Ugg, I use to love the fact that Kate Hudson seemed to love her body the way it was. But then she went and got implants. Such a shame.


I liked her better before implants lol!! I loved her in "Almost Famous" and "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" she was AMAZING!! That dress and the 'Isadora' necklace are now my dreams lol!! I used to hate my eye color because no one else's eyes in my family or school had the same color as me, mine are this really light brown that looks gold and are the same color as amber, or whiskey. I had a ton of people thinking I was wearing contacts to look like the cullens from Twilight and I had other people thinking they were super creepy, gotta love people!

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