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Curious -Again....


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Just wondering- again. There have been serious issues brought to the table this morning! "Cheating on your pregnant girl-friend, money-sucking ex-girl-friends etc..",compared to yesterday's "size of a man's package and jerk wanting virgin wife." Are the mornings usually like this or is this "Major Issues Wednesday?"


I have to hand it to you Tony- you have offered some very sound and proper advice this morning. I was curious the other day about your back ground in these types of dealings- and I see now that what ever your experience is-whether it is formal or not- you are a great help to these people. I have almost been afraid to respond to the postings today- but you have saved the day with your insites. Everyone try to have a wonderful day- Jenna

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I am flattered and very grateful for your kind words. But I am only one and I strongly encourage you and others to give your advice, opinions, and perspectives to as many posts as possible.


Would that I only had more to offer the curious about the significance of penis size!

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