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Stuck in Limbo- need

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I just wanted to start off explaining my whole situation and if I could have honest advice for feedback that would be greatly appreciated.

Last March I met a girl through one of my best friends, I was attracted to her but she was in a relationship dating back to August of 2010. We instantly hit it off and had deep conversations every night. She eventually told me she was going to break up with her boyfriend so I thought my chance would eventually come.

During this time all of my friends could tell I we had feelings for each other. On May 15th, she told me that she had feelings for me, before she broke up with her boyfriend. She broke up with him a week later so we kept our feelings for each other secret to respect the time window after a break up.

Eventually our friends all found out about the way we felt and we were accepted as a couple around them. She told me and the people who knew we'd begin dating in a month or two.

A month or two passed, I followed up and was told that the ex would still be an issue. I respected that and waited longer.

I've asked her multiple times since then and I've been given different answers. She's said that her parents (who she won't let me meet) wouldn't approve, she's not in the right mental state, and that she doesn't want my first relationship to end badly.

So the people who knew of us are the only ones that still know. When we're around other people we pretend that we're just friends which honestly hurts to do. We haven't let our families know and we're only a couple when we're by ourselves or close friends. This is more than a friendship, we are very intimate but its not a FWB thing because we are committed to each other just not public about it. She told me she thinks she's falling in love with me.

With school coming up I don't know how much longer I can keep hiding what we have/being hidden. I tried telling her I didn't know if I could keep doing this and she started crying. I told her I'd wait because starting a relationship when she's not ready isn't fair. My friends are all mad at me for going through with this.

So should I keep waiting until she's ready, or stay where I am now? I am the happiest I've ever been when I'm around her, but hiding this hurts. I'm willing to keep going but my friends say I'm being played. What should I do?

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Very hard to say. Could be she is genuine and is still dealing with the break up. However this could mean you are her rebound. Maybe give it some more time. If she doesn't buck up her ideas, then move on.

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