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Overwhelmed. Am I being naive?

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Hey everyone, 23 year old guy here looking for some opinions. I don't know where this will go or how long this message might turn out so if it does turn into a headache, sorry about it.


All emotions aside...Say you're a guy and you meet a woman who's 10 years older then you, not married and recently out of a 7 year relationship with her BF in spite of traveling and to grow as a human being. But regardless of age, you two click. So you met abroad on a study abroad program, hooked up but never had sex. Over a course of one year you two continued to keep in touch while shes out traveling. Email and skype, and she occasionally sends you txt message to exchange a thought or feeling. You ignore it because you know long distance relationships are BS.


Now her final destination for her traveling ends in a major metropolitan city a hour away from you. The both of you meet up, rekindle and end up sleeping together. You hang out with her for the rest of her stay, and in the process open up to her emotional desires.


She leaves back for her home country.


Than a week later you get a surprise text message from her U.S. phone saying "lets hang out I'm back for the next two nights." You make yourself available and hang out.


She leaves, the both of you continue to talk.


A month and a half later she makes another surprise visit for your birthday.


So with all her traveling, you end up with 5 different cell phone numbers in the course of one year but she's yet to send you a txt message from her personal cell phone....


How should I take this? I've never met a woman in my life whose made herself so available to me who lived in another country. EVER.


Now keep in mind, she's 10 years older than me. all her friends are married, shes looked as the black sheep in amongst her family because rather than getting married and getting a house she took her life savings to travel the world, loves the American culture, has been here several times for business in her prior job and currently fighting with her current employer to relocate her to the states.


Am I being naive to consider this a worthwhile long distance relationship? I have a hunch she's really digging for something else and this is one giant mask of hers. Then again who the hell stays in touch with you on a weekly basis for over a year that lives in a different country.

Edited by tectonic
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