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More friendly than friends


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Ok, so I hijacked this from another thread, but I am curious to see what lots of different people think about this issue.


"Why does no one say anything to dumpers who jump from relationship to relationship?"



Now I don't mean this to be restricted to the topic of that particular post but in general, when people are screwing up in their life why does no one have the courage to tell their "friend" the truth?


It seems to me that most friends are more "friendly" than actually being your "friend".


The cliche is usually "do whatever makes you happy"


While this sounds all well meaning and is the path of least resistance, lightening does the same thing, takes the path of least resistance, and we all know what happens to whatever it strikes.


These same so called "friends" are leading people head on into destruction in a lot of cases because they value how the friendship makes THEM feel more than the well being of the person that makes the friendship possible.


Children all like candy. They like it so much, they would be happy to go on a candy diet. Do we let them? No. Why? Because we know that in the long term, their immediate happiness isn't nearly as important as what we know would be best for them. We would rather have them upset with us, than to knowingly let them bring harm to themselves.


Then we get to the point that these are oftentimes grown men and women, they know what is best for them, yet I have seen many of my friends do things that would seriously destroy their quality of life.


In my own experience I never say "go ahead, do whatever makes you happy." Even though I know that I am risking my friendship with them, I tell them anyway, because even if they don't take my advice, they might look back one day and say, visualbasicide has the courage to do this thing for me when everyone else just told me what I wanted to hear.


I have seen so many "friends" do this, those are the same people that will be trying to console you when things they encouraged you to do end up hurting you. It just seems senseless to me and I want everyone's thoughts on this and if you even know what I'm talking about.

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