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What kind of person do you want to be?


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I really dont know how to be anyone BUT me...but I tell you one thing..I am NOT who I thought I was,or as tough I thought I was.I want to be stronger but realize I have changed....I was giving,caring,understanding and a GREAT problem solver....now..I am guarded.The real problem I see is how to date again and be free with my feelings....How can you be so guarded and enjoy someone who might just be your next person you want to spend the rest of your life with...????!?!??

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1) I want to be stronger- Being able to make my decisions, to be able to speak my mind, to not back down when I know I'm right

2) To be able to argue more logically - I can be too emotional, I need to learn to debate, or discuss with facts and points, not just based on emotion

3) To love myself- So I do not lose myself

4) To be more fit - Gym!

5) To be more adventurous - To do things I've never done before, to be more outdoorsy, go diving, go hiking, go for a marathon. Maybe white water rafting

6) To maintain my social circle - keep my friends not neglect them during my relationship.

7) To be open to meeting new people as friends - I keep cutting guys off when I'm in a relationship .. nothing wrong with being friends as long as they know I'm attached


I think those are the more important things to be, esp #1-3




I won't change

1) Being caring, being able to understand and emphatize with what someone else is feeling. Yes, it leaves me open to manipulation at times, but I just have to choose people I care for more carefully

2) Being patient

3) Being there for them

4) Being able to trust (this ones harder now though)

5) Being able to compromise

Edited by Arikel
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The person I used to be.


Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!

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Actually, the answer could be pretty simple. What kind of person do I want to be? The kind of person I'd admire. What's the kind of person I admire? Well, that changes. Just like we all change in different ways as people as we grow. I mean, I liked the Power Rangers tv show when I was about 10, and I always wanted to be the pink one. Do I wanna be her now? I think I'll pass. :D The kind of person I'd admire right now in my life would be.. a lot of things. The top things this person would be is:


1. Someone who sees something she wants and goes after it with passion, whether she thinks she'll fail or not.

2. Who is passionate about her talent and makes it her own.

3. Who stays positive and strong in hard times.

4. Who puts herself first when she needs to (the hardest).

5. Who always finds adventure in life.

6. Who always helps people out when she can (the most important).


But like I said, these 'top things' might change with time as I change...

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I want to be someone that can look back on my life and say I helped people out and made a great change that will benefit many in substantial ways... I'd feel my life would be futile existence if I didnt realize my potential and help others realize theirs.


I want to be one of those people that find beauty in everything/everyone and absolutely love and appreciate life.


Easily typed, yet not-so easily accomplished by me.

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Feelin Frisky
I want to be someone that can look back on my life and say I helped people out and made a great change that will benefit many in substantial ways... I'd feel my life would be futile existence if I didnt realize my potential and help others realize theirs.


I want to be one of those people that find beauty in everything/everyone and absolutely love and appreciate life.


Easily typed, yet not-so easily accomplished by me.

same here, duck

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ok cynicism asside, I really want to be the person I was meant to be instead of the person I always thought I wanted to be.


better? :p

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I want to be strong and stop carrying a heavy heart about my past.

I want to fall in love with a man that deserves me.

I want to be a wife.

I want to be a mom.

I want to be happy.

I want to be me.

I want to be patient.

I want to be in the now.


I love my life. I just need those few missing pieces.

Edited by ScienceGal
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The kind that can:


forgive anything and anyone; suffer without blaming others nor being drawn towards vengeance and who can stay grounded amid the painful torrents; able to help those who cause afflictions and messes and miseries (and others too); be patient, wise, reliable and caring; teach and show others lessons and trades; spread love, not kill it; know the self and rule it; uses its' gifts and talents in life and encourages others to use theirs too.


I have a long ways to go :lmao:

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The kind that can:


forgive anything and anyone; suffer without blaming others nor being drawn towards vengeance and who can stay grounded amid the painful torrents; able to help those who cause afflictions and messes and miseries (and others too); be patient, wise, reliable and caring; teach and show others lessons and trades; spread love, not kill it; know the self and rule it; uses its' gifts and talents in life and encourages others to use theirs too.


I have a long ways to go :lmao:


Fine, fine, I like your answer better than mine so we'll go with that instead :p

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I want to be at peace with my past.

I want to see things as they are, not as they should be.

I want to live by my values.

I want to know what my values are.

I want to live in the now.

I want a man who honors and respects me for who I was and who I am and vice versa.

I want to be able to be emotionally honest and open with the people I care about and who care about me and have them reciprocate.

I want to be the person who stops crying about how lonely she is at night and embraces how lucky she is to have at least 1 person that truly cares about her - herself.

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Fine, fine, I like your answer better than mine so we'll go with that instead :p


I don't know... I think I may have to disagree.


This was classically epic:


The person I used to be.


Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!

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I want to be the person who stops crying about how lonely she is at night and embraces how lucky she is to have at least 1 person that truly cares about her - herself.

I would like to add this to my list :)

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I would like to add this to my list :)


I thought about it, but then I thought if I started talking about myself as a different gender and in the third person I might really need some psychiatric help. :confused:

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I thought about it, but then I thought if I started talking about myself as a different gender and in the third person I might really need some psychiatric help. :confused:




I am actually very thankful for my family. So I will edit it to say that instead of "myself".

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I want to look back and remember the good times but remember that he often treated me badly and made me cry .


I want to become strong and independent , be happy alone and get nothing but the best . Become a kindy teacher and own my own place . Be good to myself and others and not let *******s like my ex ruin my life . I dont need a man to be happy . I want to feel sexy , smart and beautiful without a partner . Do things that scare me and just live my life

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It's not original to me, but something I heard and found intensely moving.


There's a deceased Biritish actor called Paul Eddington. I guess he's not well known outside of the UK, but anyway. He was interviewed when in the late stages of terminal skin cancer. He still had amazing dignity. He said this in the course of the interview, and I never forgot it.


"A journalist once asked me what I would like my epitaph to be and I said I think I would like it to be 'He did very little harm'. And that's not easy. Most people seem to me to do a great deal of harm. If I could be remembered as having done very little, that would suit me."


I'd like to do very little harm.

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I'm comfortable with who I am now, but I'm still trying to learn and grow as much as I can, and to become a stronger person.

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I would like to be more confident. I hope one day I can learn to trust again, especially men. I feel as if once I encounter a man, he is bound to disappoint me or cheat on me. I know its just horrible. I want to overcome that badly, have faith in humanity and all.

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