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Kinda perplexed.


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Sooo... after deciding earlier today to go into NC with my most current ex, I start getting IMs from another ex, who I'll call "Z."


Z and I dated a few months to a year before I was dating my current ex. In fact, I met my current ex through Z. Anyway, things happened between Z and I, and he left me. I was destroyed. I spent the better part of two weeks trying to convince him to take me back, but to no avail. He had simply grown away from me. I finally accepted it and moved on...


Flash forward to about a month ago. Z, who last spoke to me sometime months and months ago, has started IMing me again. He's an artist and writer like myself, so we had a common ground on which we held discussions. Not ONCE have we discussed a relationship of any kind... I wasn't interested.


I thought he wasn't. Well, just tonight he has been speaking in a manner that suggests to me he's looking for something more with me. And strangely, he is the ONLY ex I still talk to and am friends with. I'm now perplexed by what to do now.


He is a few years younger than I, and it would be another LDR. The scary thing is the very fact I'm even considering this possibility... especially so soon after leaving my current ex. I don't want to do the whole rebound thing because I've seen it fail so many times before. But Z has been inching his way closer to me and I've let him, and I'm finding myself intrigued by the concept. I'm a toughie who doesn't allow her exes back... why is Z so special?


I'm confused. How do I proceed?

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