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Boss and bf juggling act

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I've posted a thread in the dating section and now I need help with something else.


The guy im dating is actually my superiors best friend. Boss is cool with it and in fact he was the first to know I liked his best friend and wanted to help me get 'info' on whether the feeling is mutual. I said no thanks and did things my way. I feel that through the years of working together, we draw the line between work and play well. A lot of times we are more of friends than colleagues (basically coz neither one of us owns the company, so screw that and we confide in each other). Also, im really close to his wife and all. Which gives the situation its stickiness.


Now that the relationship is moving along, I now see that I dont talk about him to it at all and in fact i would avoid the whole conversation and most to most share an irrelevant joke on a general level but i definitely would not give out details of my relationship in any way.


(Note : If you read my other thread, im going through some humps with my man but thats another story)


Question : Is it right for him to feel offended when I ignore his genuine concern over my relationship with his best friend. To say he's like a big brother to me, I would not be exagerating too much.


I dont know what I feel, erm..... it's weird yeah, to be close to a mentor i work with, falling for his best friend and never saying anything about the progress of my relationship...... even in the very very good times.


The twist is, I'm tired of trying to find the balance, I don't even now how to start juggling this and I'm glad to be changing jobs soon. I'm like so excited to get out of that office but on the other hand I question my own reasons for leaving. Have I let all this stress get to my head?

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First of all you found a man you like, thats a positive, work through the "humps" and make that work.

Second, keep being polite to his best friend without being too specific about the relationship for as long as you have to (persevere even if it is tough).

Third, maybe you need a change in your career, don't be afraid to make a move if it means growth as a professional or as a human being.

Fourthly, leave that position on good terms, since he is your man's best friend and also you can never have enough positive references.

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