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am i never satisfyied??


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My boyfriend and i have been going out for about 3 months now. for the first month things were a little shaky, finally after we got to see eachother things got a little better. But after that it went all down hill untill we made out. it seems like he called more and we saw eahother more after that. Now i dont know if he loves me or a peice of ass. He calls sometimes but i feel its not enough. he doesnt say the sweet things he used to. Every time we hang up he says, " i want you" b4 he says he loves me. Do you think that its all in my head? Or is it that he wants my body and not my mind??

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It was kind of hard to tell what was going on in the beginning of your relationship. It seemed like (from your post) that there was something wrong from the start-


Take a minute and give us a few more details about what was\is going on with you two.


Then we can better advise you on what to do.


Thanks- Jenna

My boyfriend and i have been going out for about 3 months now. for the first month things were a little shaky, finally after we got to see eachother things got a little better. But after that it went all down hill untill we made out. it seems like he called more and we saw eahother more after that. Now i dont know if he loves me or a peice of ass. He calls sometimes but i feel its not enough. he doesnt say the sweet things he used to. Every time we hang up he says, " i want you" b4 he says he loves me. Do you think that its all in my head? Or is it that he wants my body and not my mind??
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Guys relate to females in different ways. You need to be forthright and let him know how you want to be treated, verbally and otherwise. Ask him why he says "I want you" before he says I love you. Tell him that doesn't make you feel good.


You have to communicate with people or you will never know. I can speculate all day but nothing here will ever substitute for confronting him face to face about this.


As far as his calls, demands are the number one cause of relationship discord. If you are demanding he call you more, that is not reasonable. You could tell him it would make you feel better if he called you more, but don't demand it. If his complete conduct does not make you feel special and loved, DUMP HIM!!!

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