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im so glad i broke up with my bf yesterday, now i dont have to deal with somene who doesnt love me, doesnt respect me and lies to my face!!!! before i used to feel down but now..ya right!!! NOW i am so much better off without him! and i really dont care if he goes with as many girls as he wants, thats his problem andim just glad i dont have to deal with him anymore:)


anyways i guess anger makes u strong, and i hit that stage:)

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nope i wont cos i GAVE HIM ALOT ALOT OF CHANCES n he still kept scrweing up, he wastched alot of porn even when i gave him sex that same day, he flirted with girls online, and he said he didnt love me and didnt say it since January! so i actually made a wise choice that i shouldve made long time ago!!! screw him!!!

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Ugh, I just had to reply to meatolives remark -


Uhhhhhh - YOU WONT REGRET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it strong sister - life is way too short to deal with BS!

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hmm...i only regret one thing and that was not moving in his apt...i wanted to do that but i wasnt strong enough to stand up to my mom

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its maybe better u didnt move in...im so glad i never moved in with my bf...oh gosh..that would KILL it even more, imma move in with a guy until i know they are mature enough to handle it and worth it eough for me to clean, cook , massages, etc...until then..HELL NO!!!

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Originally posted by calithin83

its maybe better u didnt move in...im so glad i never moved in with my bf...oh gosh..that would KILL it even more, imma move in with a guy until i know they are mature enough to handle it and worth it eough for me to clean, cook , massages, etc...until then..HELL NO!!!


he was so in love with me that he wanted to buy a house with me....it was just too fast. i still dont think he "fell" out of love with me...liar

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you are young. Consider this a huge learning experience and have many more relationships, learn from them, till you hit the big one, and you are able to handle that relationship cause oyu have much experience and prior knowledge!! :bunny:

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ya lets not stress that "what ifs" what ifs NOTHING...now they aint in the pictuure, and its better that way and we will see that sooner or later!!! they are liars , yes, so do we want liars in our lives? someone who we always have to wonder about!? hell nO!! i dont have time to put up with lying, espeically when its done in my face..sick of it and I HAVE NO TIME to deal with it or stress about it..i rather MOVE ON..hit the road and just fall out of this feeling..i dont give a **** anymore about what he did, sais, or whatever...now im the important one and immamake myself happy..we dont need them!!!

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Originally posted by calithin83

ya lets not stress that "what ifs" what ifs NOTHING...now they aint in the pictuure, and its better that way and we will see that sooner or later!!! they are liars , yes, so do we want liars in our lives? someone who we always have to wonder about!? hell nO!! i dont have time to put up with lying, espeically when its done in my face..sick of it and I HAVE NO TIME to deal with it or stress about it..i rather MOVE ON..hit the road and just fall out of this feeling..i dont give a **** anymore about what he did, sais, or whatever...now im the important one and immamake myself happy..we dont need them!!!


im glad that you've decided to move on..but me ont he other hand i dont feel like it..i feel like if i do ill miss something...i mean if its meant to be itll be..but im too scared to let someone else in...because i cant see myself with anyone but him and i know he was lying when he said he could see me with someone else...i mean before we went out..i was with this other guy..he got so jealous over it...so im assuming that if i did go with someone else that he would get extremely jealous over that too.

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first step is to stop caring what he thinks and feels...if u keep yourself trying to analyze what he said, and so fourth u will keep ureself in the same state of mind ure in now...anyways ive just decided to move on cos i tried ALOT..and i guess ive hit that point where its like "OK I TRIED AND TRIED AND HE DIDNT USE ANY OF GHIS CHANCES TO MAKE IT RIGHT, SO FORGET IT, GAME OVER, HIS LOSS" so whatever..i dont want to be stuck in a memory..cos thats what it was..a memory ...now im looking forward to myself and i know for a fact that i will love again!!! so whateever...i aint gonna trap myself in the menality i was stuck in before, he isnt worth it, he really isnt worth it!

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Originally posted by calithin83

first step is to stop caring what he thinks and feels...if u keep yourself trying to analyze what he said, and so fourth u will keep ureself in the same state of mind ure in now...anyways ive just decided to move on cos i tried ALOT..and i guess ive hit that point where its like "OK I TRIED AND TRIED AND HE DIDNT USE ANY OF GHIS CHANCES TO MAKE IT RIGHT, SO FORGET IT, GAME OVER, HIS LOSS" so whatever..i dont want to be stuck in a memory..cos thats what it was..a memory ...now im looking forward to myself and i know for a fact that i will love again!!! so whateever...i aint gonna trap myself in the menality i was stuck in before, he isnt worth it, he really isnt worth it!


well i know he is for me...so im glad i can come to you guys for advice..

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