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Permanent Hair Removal

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Hey guys and girls:


I am considering getting permanent hair removal done b/c for a girl I am hairy to a point that really bothers me.


A little background:

-I am almost 24

-Fair skinned

-Strawberry blonde

-VERY sensitive skin

-combo of red, blonde, and very dark brown/black hair on my body in varying thickness but for my legs I think it's thicker than the avg. blonde's hair. Also weird thing: some of my hair is like 1/2 blonde and then 1/2 red (like the base of the hair will be red and the tip is blonde)


I am considering getting permanent hair removal done on several parts of my body, but if I do it I will test it out on my happy trail first.


Why? Because I have very sensitive skin and every time I shave it is very painful for me. I have tried a million diff. razors blades, shaving creams, conditioners, etc. I always get irritated- I don't know if it's a million little cuts, but that is exactly what it feels like ( and sometimes is when I see all the blood) and then I end up getting a bunch of ingrowns or red bumps that sometimes last weeks. This isn't just in my bikini area, this is all over my legs though my thighs def. get hit the worst.


I am going to see a dermatologist about it soon b/c I never have and I figure that'd be a good idea. Who knows, maybe I'm allergic to something involved in shaving?


Depilatory creams: they pretty much don't work on me. They remove 50-75% of the hair (some, not at all) and are expensive for patchy results. I dont get irritated from them though which I have to say is a god send!

Anyways: I wanted to see if there are any women or men who have had any type of permanent hair removal done that have a story to tell about it- recommend it or not. I am especially interested to hear from people with my hair type.


Hope to hear from you!

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My ex was a ginger- he was pretty hairless. Who knows- maybe he took off the hair without me knowing... Otherwise he had very little hair on his body besides his legs.


He plucked his eye-brows and goatee, so who knows what else he did.


Look into this only sold on TV thing called "No-No"".

3 Of my gf's have bought it and said it zaps away the hair and it doesn't grow back- and if it does, it's slow.


I could care less how much hair/non-hair a guy has on his body.


I dated an Irish guy fresh off the boat a few years ago and he was a hairy, hairy dude. I didn't give a crap about that.


Why does your gf give a crap about that?

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ok- so I think I may have left a little confusion when I said "I am considering getting permanent hair removal done b/c for a girl I am hairy to a point that really bothers me."


I am a girl and I have a lot of body hair in comparison to other girls and it bugs me.

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This has become culture so seemingly afraid of hair that I understand your feelings. I'm a pretty hairy guy, but for the most part it's more culturally acceptable to for a guy to be hairy than a woman so it's been fairly easy to accept my looks. I say this, if it's feeling near impossible to accept your appearance and that issue is compounded with having sensitive skin then you should do what makes you feel comfortable and emotionally complete.

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ok- so I think I may have left a little confusion when I said "I am considering getting permanent hair removal done b/c for a girl I am hairy to a point that really bothers me."


I am a girl and I have a lot of body hair in comparison to other girls and it bugs me.


Check into "No-No". It's a silly name for a product, but my gf's rave about it.

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Laser and electrolysis are pretty much the alternatives to shaving unless the deplillatory creams do it for you. Groupon seems to have laser coupons quite often so maybe subscribe to that- the technician will let you know if your skin and hair will respond well. Laser and electrolysis are pretty expensive otherwise and electrolysis hurts a LOT, laser is generally less painful but also slightly less effective esp on dark skin or light hair.

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It's really very sad that women don't feel it's acceptable to be hairy if naturally like that, but it does seem to be part of the culture now. I am a dark-haired woman who has suffered from this all her life and I can say it has ruined my life for so many years. I have felt no-one understands and have not found doctors helpful or understanding either.


I have the same problem as you in that shaving results in intense irritation two to three days afterwards. It has the best results as far as short-term depilation is concerned because it's cheap and accessible, but the itching is very wearing and of course the stubble grows back too. The hair grew back very quickly for me and I felt it was unsightly after only a day or so. It's likely no-one else noticed but I did and that's what mattered to me.


I have found recently that a way round the itching is to use electric hair clippers of the type that is used to cut guys' hair on the smallest setting (00 or 0? or without any attachments) and shave like that. The hair is clipped very close to the skin but not as close as with a safety razor. The end of the hair does not have to force itself through the skin as it does after shaving, so it does not irritate. It looks OK though needs re-doing a couple of days later as the hairs start to grow. I've found this is better for me than shaving. You don't get a perfectly smooth feel, like you do with a razor, but it looks OK and is better than itching like hell for a week.


I did some electrolysis on myself with a very poor home kit many years ago. I have also had some IPL pulsed laser treatment on my face. It wasn't exactly painless, but was OK for most of the face. The upper lip under the nose was the most painful bit. It worked well for a while, up to a year, and slowly the hair has started creeping back again and I have to pluck it. I am considering electrolysis. The reason I say this is that the areas that I did the home-kit electrolysis on years ago (and I mean over 20 years ago) are still hair free! It obviously works. Other than that I have no suggestions except to say that red/blonde hair is probably a lot less obvious than my dark hair was/is. Maybe dying all the hair blonde would make it less obvious to you? Just a thought.

Edited by spiderowl
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