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Is there an easy way to transition from texting to calling?


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So I've been emailing this girl for about a week now and we recently exchanged numbers and decided to meet sometime in the future when our schedules match. Well that transitioned to texting back in forth for a couple hours, but I'd still really like to talk to her on the phone at least once before we meet up.


So is there anyway to transition from texting back and forth to a phone call without sounding like a creeper?


I'm more about meeting people in person and going from there, so I'm not really sure what's the right way to go about online dating.

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So is there anyway to transition from texting back and forth to a phone call without sounding like a creeper?


Yes. You call her. Problem solved.


What am I missing about this question that makes it so difficult that you need to ask?

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Feelin Frisky

Yes. It's called "asking"--spellled A - S - K - I - N- G. You text her and ask if we can speak for real. Now. Not next Fall. Now. You may be being gamed either way. I wish you luck.

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I wouldn't even ask. Just call. I hate talking on the phone so if you ask me, I might try to make an excuse not to. But I'm NOT going to ignore your call and then text you back. (if she does this and it doesn't seem to be for a valid reason, like she's at work, that's a different issue.)

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I agree, just CALL her. You don't need to ask her permission. She obviously gave you her # so if she didn't want you to phone her, she wouldn't have done that. Personally I'm always leary of people who want to do nothing but text and want to even meet in person without having spoken by phone at least once. Texting is such an impersonal and stupid way to get to know someone if that's the ONLY way 2 people are communicating.

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So I've been emailing this girl for about a week now and we recently exchanged numbers and decided to meet sometime in the future when our schedules match. Well that transitioned to texting back in forth for a couple hours, but I'd still really like to talk to her on the phone at least once before we meet up.


So is there anyway to transition from texting back and forth to a phone call without sounding like a creeper?


I'm more about meeting people in person and going from there, so I'm not really sure what's the right way to go about online dating.


Well, maybe wait to when you actually see her and see how conversation flows in person? What happens if you call and it's stupid awkward? Just a thought.

But if you're really confident it'd be easy to talk, then just call. As someone else said, she won't reject the call even if she is weird about talking on the phone.

I am like that and i was texting/seeing a guy, then he just called one day and i answered. Simple as that.

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Well, maybe wait to when you actually see her and see how conversation flows in person? What happens if you call and it's stupid awkward? Just a thought.


I personally would rather find out that it's 'stupid awkward' on the phone than finding it out in person for the first time.


I think there's a lot that you can tell by talking to someone on the phone (before meeting for the first time) that's helpful in figuring out if you even DO want to meet them in person:


1. Do they have a similar sense of humor?

2. Do they have the most annoying voice/laugh that would drive you totally nuts and therefore no match?

3. Are there tons of awkward silences?

4. Does the person talk non-stop about themselves and ask nothing about you? (rest assured that if they're like this one the phone, they'll be like this in person)

5. Are they somewhat articulate or do they bore you to death by them just grunting out lame one-word responses?


I'd personally never meet someone in person without having a couple of good phone chats first. For me, phone calls have most definitely helped prevent me from wasting my time in the past because I learned very quickly from talking on the phone that they were so not my type (creepy, no social skills, totally self-absorbed, the world's most annoying voice/laugh, etc).

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If you would rather talk on the phone than text, say that to her. You'd rather talk to her, and ask if you can call. If she doesnt say yes, then you have an incompatibility problem on your hands, and this is the point for you to consider bailing on her.

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I personally would rather find out that it's 'stupid awkward' on the phone than finding it out in person for the first time. I think there's a lot that you can tell by talking to someone on the phone


I disagree. Most people are different in person than they are on the phone. And their voice/laugh will sound different in person. Phone conversations are awkward in general because you can't see facial expressions and you can't tell when the other person is about to say something, so you often talk over each other. Not to mention bad cell phone reception.


Personally, I make a much better impression in a face-to-face meeting than I would on the phone. It doesn't make sense to judge someone you've never met based on whether or not they're a phone person. Just arrange a date via text and meet her in person.

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I disagree. Most people are different in person than they are on the phone. And their voice/laugh will sound different in person. Phone conversations are awkward in general because you can't see facial expressions and you can't tell when the other person is about to say something, so you often talk over each other. Not to mention bad cell phone reception.


Personally, I make a much better impression in a face-to-face meeting than I would on the phone. It doesn't make sense to judge someone you've never met based on whether or not they're a phone person. Just arrange a date via text and meet her in person.


I agree with this. Some people are very good on the phone and they come across pretty much the same way on the phone as they do in person. I am not one of those people and neither is my BF. There is so much more that is revealed in person vs. the phone only.


Although I do think it is ideal to set up initial dates via the phone (vs. text); it's just much more classy that way.

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I disagree. Most people are different in person than they are on the phone. And their voice/laugh will sound different in person. Phone conversations are awkward in general because you can't see facial expressions and you can't tell when the other person is about to say something, so you often talk over each other. Not to mention bad cell phone reception.


Personally, I make a much better impression in a face-to-face meeting than I would on the phone. It doesn't make sense to judge someone you've never met based on whether or not they're a phone person. Just arrange a date via text and meet her in person.


I guess everyone is different. I know that I'm generally extremely nervous and shy when meeting a stranger for the first time in person and although talking on the phone for the first time is a little nerve-wracking too, I 'warm up' a lot more quickly that way.


In the past I have agreed to meet without talking on the phone first and those were nightmare experiences.


1. One had the voice of Michael Jackson and it really creeped me out

2. One immediately began making crude sexual comments within 30 minutes of meeting for a coffee, asking me if I believed in the '3 date rule', how was my sex drive, did I have a collection of adult toys, etc. Had we spoken on the phone first, I am certain that his pervy-ness would have presented himself such that I wouldn't have even bothered to waste my time meeting him

3. One was, to say the least, a man of few (or no) words. He admitted he was more the quiet type, not much of a talker. It was a very painful and awkward first meet because of this.


Talking on the phone 'first', for me, has helped me to completely "weed out" those I just wouldn't be compatible in:


1. One guy seemed very normal and together via our email exchanges but when we spoke on the phone he admitted he was bipolar and a terrible relationship history as a result; he admitted this was something he preferred not to disclose via emails.

2. One guy did nothing but talk non-stop about his ex and his hatred for her. It was crazy. I felt that I dodged a real bullet by not having wasted my time meeting him

3. Several admitted that they weren't "really divorced but separated and waiting for their divorce to be final." I don't date men who are separated so as soon as I found this out, communications ended.

4. One proceeded to put his roommate on the phone who then went on about what a great guy he was and how lucky I was to have connected with him; if that wasn't enough, he then put his 5 year old daughter on the phone and I had to listen to her say the alphabet backwards. It was bizarre and inappropriate. He then went on and on about how I'd love his daughter and how she wanted to meet me.

5. Several who seemed decent and intelligent and interesting via email immediately turned into pervs on the phone which helped me figure out ASAP what they were really looking for so as to prevent me from wasting my time meeting them.


I guess everyone is different and maybe it's an age thing but for someone my age (early 40s), I have a busy life and I don't have time to waste meeting someone if I can figure out through a phone call that they're not on the same page.

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