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Not sure if diabetic boyfriend using illness to not have sex


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My boyfriend is only 36, not fat, very strong, nice body ect. Has been diabetic for two years. The problem is that I always want more sex, or when we do it I want it to go on longer and he doesn't have the energy. he tell me it is because of his medical condition but i don't know to believe him or not. Once we had a long session and the next day he felt really weak and went to the doctor who told him he had to abstain from sex for a week because his blood sugar had gone too high and his heart was at risk. When he told me this I said BALONY because I didn't believe him. thought he was using medical condition as an excuse or a cop-out. Can this be true what he said and should I be more trusting?

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This is true and you should be more trusting. In addition to diabetes, he may have other aggravating health factors. Understand that no red-blooded, healthy male is going to reject sex for many reasons other than health.


If he cannot satisfy your libido because of his health problems and long and frequent sex is very much a need of yours, you should let him down easy and find another guy. Please understand that there will be ups and downs in his stamina but it is likely this situation will remain for some time. You might go with him to the doctor the next time he goes ans ask questions.


This man suffers enough with this malady. Please try to be kind and understanding regarding this. I'm sure if he could wave a magic wand and cure himself, he would. Please don't put him down, question him frequently, or otherwise make him feel bad about this problem. I have known men with thiis problem and, believe me, they feel bad enough about it.


I'm sure he is a real good guy. I do hope you can learn to live with his condition after you learn more from his doctor. If the two of you have a great relationship otherwise, there are many ways he can satisfy you besides intercourse and good relationships are difficult to find.

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Just becuase someone looks fine doesn't mean that they are. I have a chronic medical condition but no one knows about it because I'm slim, young and healthy-looking.


I'm lucky to have a very open, loving and giving fiance who understands that I have a medical condition and that I get very ill sometimes and weak. HE never questioned whether I was lying! He even made the effort to look up my disease and find out some possible sources for treatment as there is no cure.


I'm sorry to say that I was very very angry after reading your post. Make an effort to understand his disease and stop being so goddamn selfish.


It's not an issue of trust, honey. It's an issue of thinking about other people and not being mentally lazy. It's about caringenough to do your own research (which doesn't take much. Go to www.diabetes.org)

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If you don't trust him, you cannot have a healthy relationship, diabetes or not. If he cheated on you, he has to pay the consequences. Cheating has nothing to do with diabetes. His past betayal, rather than his health, now emerges as the more compelling issue here.


If you can't work this out with him and resolve the past so it is no longer an issue, run for the hills. You owe that to the both of you.

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You have to give us the whole story if you want the member sof the forum to fully understand where you are coming from. The one detail that you left out-shed a completely different light on your situation. Don't be mad that someone got the wrong impression- you are the one that gave it. Go back and read your post- except pretend that you are reading it for the first time and its about a stranger- what would YOU have thought? Jenna

If you don't trust him, you cannot have a healthy relationship, diabetes or not. If he cheated on you, he has to pay the consequences. Cheating has nothing to do with diabetes. His past betayal, rather than his health, now emerges as the more compelling issue here. If you can't work this out with him and resolve the past so it is no longer an issue, run for the hills. You owe that to the both of you.
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