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facebook :(


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i am dont know where to say this so i go here to say this.


On facebook, people either (1) do things i dont care or (2) just have their names there and to be honest i hate a lot of them.


but people will gossip when i delete them so i cant do that.


i wish facebook let you have people as your friends but at the same time let you block them from your input of information.


lot of people didnt know a thing about relationship and hurt my feelings with it. some of them chose to hurt me. some of them just mean. heck, i hate facebook. so few people to love there, too much to hate.

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Delete your facebook account and never go there again. I don't know how such a willing invasion of personal privacy ever became the norm, but let me assure you, people DID live without facebook for a long time.


You are also placing far too much importance on what you perceive to be how other people think about you. Why does that even matter?

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people are superficial on facebook based off of their status, how many friends they have (hundreds or thousands), and misconstrued reality due to their self importance.


it makes people feel like celebrities and will never be fun as it turns everything into a competition and makes looking for the next better thing a whole lot easier.




if it bothers you this much maybe you should take a break from it or deactivate your account for a while and disappear.

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Its possible to block what certain people say, so it doesn't appear on your news feed - if that's what you're after?


As stated above, you should probably just get off facebook for a while, if it bothers you this much.

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people are superficial on facebook based off of their status, how many friends they have (hundreds or thousands), and misconstrued reality due to their self importance.


it makes people feel like celebrities and will never be fun as it turns everything into a competition and makes looking for the next better thing a whole lot easier.




if it bothers you this much maybe you should take a break from it or deactivate your account for a while and disappear.

So true! People are obsessed with having x amount of friends on facebook. But how many of those "friends" can they count on when they need a shoulder to cry on?

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What you're talking about is exactly the reason i limit who my friends are on Facebook. I only have 65 friends on Facebook and the reason is because I don't want people peering into my life or commenting on it when the fact is they haven't even spoke to me in 2,5, 10 years.


I'm at odds with FB right now too, but for a different reason. My ex decided to reactivate her account after about 8 months and that is stressing me out. She said she hated it at time and was deactivating it. Now all of of sudden she's back on and so far hasn't changed her profile which means that all of the photos of her and I are still up on her. I also noticed that she has no new friends and hasn't commented. Is she just trying to contact someone whose info she lost? Did someone ask her to reactivate so they could add her to there friendslist (a guy perhaps)? Is she simply spying on me? Who knows, but it's driving me nuts! I wish she would just deactivate again.

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