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Finally moved to the next step with the NEW GIRL...Oral sex...BUT WHAT IS GOING ON?


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Some people say sex can ruin a great relationship...I SAY THAT SEX CAN ONLY RUIN THE BOND IF YOU ARE TERRIBLE AT IT...It you make it passionate and do it right then it can only benefit a relationship

Well...I did last night...and of course, I'm the older more experienced one so I took control which is fine...


I visited her first...she seemed nervous at first but then gripped me like she never wanted to let go...GREAT


Then she visited...first person do that since my fiancee' over the last 4 years...


I still didnt tell her I love her yet...but I think it is about to roll off her tongue...should I say before shes leaves Sunday????


Anway...we of course were real cuddly after the "fun" and slept great...most times I have done this I woke up the next morning with smiles and a peppy mood...


She seems to be acting a little weird...still affectionate...but I think I may have scared her...it may have been her first time? I thought it wasnt but after the way she is acting...I feel I may been the first down there...


Does anybody have a clue what is going on?

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OK sorry I can't help you too much as I am still a virgin but you should say you love her is that is how you feel. That is a given go for it man don't lose something.


The other topic man I would simply ask her if you can ask her something personal then ask her if you were the first.


Sorry I couldn't help more but being young and naive in somethings is my job.

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