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Tonight someone asked me what type of women I like. I instantly told him that I didn't really have a type and consider all types of women fair game for dating and marriage.


While the statement 2nd statement is true the first one wasn't. I thought about it a little bit more and told him my type is latinas (perhaps because I myself am hispanic). I also let him know that it's hard for me to care for that type when a lot of the latinas where I live are completely uninteresting (intellectually and emotionally) to me, in the way they carry themselves.


Kind of depressing to think that I don't really have a type anymore due to the country bumpkins in my city.


What about you folks. Do you have a specific type of person that floats your boat more than others?

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Dark hair... that's a first start for me. Doesn't matter on the colour, but dark - dark red is a killer! :laugh:


I never thought I had a type, not on the outside anyway. I generally go for face before body always - a nice smile and nice eyes. Personality though is probably most important once I start talking to them. I have female friends that are stunningly beautiful (one in particular) and we get along as friends, but that's it. No spark, nothing.


My recent ex had such a interesting fiery confident energetic personality that I was hooked from the first meeting, even though I initially wasn't attracted to her. I like girls who can be themselves from the start and just speak their mind. I also like it when they can say something shocking - you know, rude flirty stuff when you least expect it. Don't have to have same interests, but just be interesting in their opinions, thoughts, ideas etc etc. and not afraid to express them.


Basically, the type of girl who you want as a friend and a lover - someone you feel just as comfortable sat down with as you do laying down with, if you get me.

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I like guys who are introverted, but have friends and interests. Keen intelligence, a skeptical view of the world, and a sharp sense of humor is a must. I like guys who are opinionated, but not controlling and abusive.


As for looks, it varies. I like men who aren't overly stylish or look striking. I prefer a guy with average good looks. I am intimidated by men who stand out in a crowd. I guess what I'm saying is I don't like a man who tries too hard to get attention.


And I melt for guys with dark hair and blue eyes. But it's not a requirement.

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I like a guy to balance me out, my type is not really ideal but more focused around my personality and the personality traits that balance mine better.I like thoughtful men, that know how to articulate themselves and have confidence.

Introverted men, that have goals and direction in their lives. I have dated white and black men, tall and average height men. So I just have to feel a attraction to you, and one can easily lose that attraction.




Kind of depressing to think that I don't really have a type anymore due to the country bumpkins in my city.


What about East-African women? We usually have nice skin, are fit (have a nice backside), and are a strong determined bunch! This is what i do every time, when someone talked about type, I just start branding East African women! Try one today! :laugh:

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Feelin Frisky

My type is the kind of person who has a word and keeps it and doesn't change from day to day. I prefer someone joyful, effervescent, collaborative. Looks are somewhat negotiable.

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I like guys who are introverted, but have friends and interests. Keen intelligence, a skeptical view of the world, and a sharp sense of humor is a must. I like guys who are opinionated, but not controlling and abusive.


As for looks, it varies. I like men who aren't overly stylish or look striking. I prefer a guy with average good looks. I am intimidated by men who stand out in a crowd. I guess what I'm saying is I don't like a man who tries too hard to get attention.


And I melt for guys with dark hair and blue eyes. But it's not a requirement.


For me reading this was like the scene from Groundhog Day where she's listing her perfect guy and he's agreeing to all of them... me, me, me, oh that's definitely me, sometimes I can go weeks without looking in a mirror... :laugh:

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Yes. :) My type started from a broad, vague idea when I was much younger and has become increasingly more specific with each new guy.


What gets me off most is some sort of emotional and intellectual depth, that's the hardest quality to find. I need to feel like I'm "seen" by a guy, that he really understands and values the intricacies of who I am, that he relates to my impressions of the world.


Beyond that I look for somebody who is assertive, has a strong personality and presence, defined identity, is kind and compassionate, nurturing, driven, intense, opinionated but self aware enough to change his opinions if challenged by a good argument. I suppose I go for more introverted guys who have a rich inner life but I also find it attractive if a guy is able to mingle with ease, even if that's not his natural orientation to the world.


And of course a wicked sense of humor.


Some of my type is also defined by what they're not: passive, easy-going, people pleasing, always agreeable.

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I have always been attracted to tall men but other then that, I don't think I have a type when it comes to looks. The most important thing for me is that he has a sense of humor. There is nothing sexier then a guy who can make me laugh.

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Feelin Frisky
I have always been attracted to tall men but other then that, I don't think I have a type when it comes to looks. The most important thing for me is that he has a sense of humor. There is nothing sexier then a guy who can make me laugh.

How do you do, I'm Mr. Some-Mo :)

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Tonight someone asked me what type of women I like. I instantly told him that I didn't really have a type and consider all types of women fair game for dating and marriage.


While the statement 2nd statement is true the first one wasn't. I thought about it a little bit more and told him my type is latinas (perhaps because I myself am hispanic). I also let him know that it's hard for me to care for that type when a lot of the latinas where I live are completely uninteresting (intellectually and emotionally) to me, in the way they carry themselves.


Kind of depressing to think that I don't really have a type anymore due to the country bumpkins in my city.


What about you folks. Do you have a specific type of person that floats your boat more than others?


A curiosity question, are those from Spain considered latinas or hispanics? I ask because their culture in general seems much different then other spanish cultures. They have a different look, not meaning better or worse, just lighter skinned, some do not even look hispanic.

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Eh, I don't think there is any point in me having a type. Mainly because they'll usually think they are too good for me.

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I have always been attracted to tall men but other then that, I don't think I have a type when it comes to looks. The most important thing for me is that he has a sense of humor. There is nothing sexier then a guy who can make me laugh.
This!!! :D
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To get my attention, a guy has to either be smarter than me or nicer than me. If he's both? I'm done for. A combination of a quick, evolved mind and general positive and kind disposition is an absolute must.

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Excellent topic.



1. powerful/beautiful eyes - They are the window to the soul after all

2. a great natural smile - I will never understand the exaggerated forced smile

3. nice skin - I know its slightly odd ball, but it screams sexy to me

4. fit

5. well proportioned



I'm pretty much the definition of a male Scorpio, so most importantly she needs to be ok with, and able to handle, the positives & negatives of my personality. She needs to be fun yet serious, affectionate, confident, sexy, happy, intelligent, & social but not asocial butterfly. Most importantly she must be passionate about life, love, and her beliefs.

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The one constant is I am a sucker for a pretty face. :love: I heart me some Ryan Reynolds, Chris Evans, Taylor Lautner. Speaking of Taylor :D, he has a new flick coming out.

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A curiosity question, are those from Spain considered latinas or hispanics? I ask because their culture in general seems much different then other spanish cultures. They have a different look, not meaning better or worse, just lighter skinned, some do not even look hispanic.


I believe the term "latino" is supposed to be used regarding anyone having blood stemming from Latin American and "hispanic" is supposed to be used similarly. I noticed that the terms are often used to describe people of supposed "Spanish" decent. I used it in a brown skinned, latin based language manner.


Where I live (Santa Fe, Nm) there are a lot of people that people that believe themselves to be of pure blooded Spanish decent. I noticed that culturally a lot of Mexican American's take exception to people claiming that they are "Spanish" especially if it's noticed that the person has dark skin. I don't really care what a person claims they are, but the thing about Santa Fe is that Don Diego De Vargas settled in the the city about 300 years ago and as a result there is a very strong spanish bloodline here. In fact the "Fiestas De Santa Fe" are being celebrated over the weekend this very moment commemorating he and his troops/peoples arrival to Santa Fe.

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I wish I could spell out my type but it defines someone who just told me she loved me over a hundred times in a week but opted out anyway. Whatya do with that? Tear up your type now?

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I can't say I have type when it comes to looks. As long as a guy takes care of himself and is aware of his looks. I am fine. Skinny, fat, tall, short - as long a guy is self aware of his looks and ok with them. I don't care.


I like a guy who is funny. I mean sarcastic. I like them bold and honest. Someone who is more of a challenge for me intellectually and emotionally. I don't like guys who let anyone be in control of them. I want to be a equal not a mother.


My only one requirement is not to be religious. I rather no type of religion but what are the odds?

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My only one requirement is not to be religious. I rather no type of religion but what are the odds?


Odds are much better for a woman to find a man who is not religious than a man to find a woman. Admitting I'm a militant anti-theist would be a true mistake as a dtaing criterion. "How do you do? I'm Jim. God is a crock." as it were. :D:D:D

Edited by Feelin Frisky
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I definitely have a physical type (athletic/fit/curvy with dark hair).


Now that I'm older, the intellectual and emotional have become as important.


I've been gravitating to the smart, funny women with good educations.


Their book smarts turn me on more than street smarts alone. Whereas before, I'd overlook a lot for a pretty face.


I want to be met where I am now and not have to dumb myself down.

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Compassionate, intelligent, unconventional, vegetarian/vegan, warm hearted, affectionate, loving, humorous. I like nerdy shy types.


Athletic types and muscles don't do anything for me, I find muscles corny :laugh: Selfishness and arrogance, narrow mindedness, bigoted, and if he were religious, would also be a turn off.

Edited by HeavenOrHell
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The idea of type is funny. Sure we all have an idea of what type of a person we want to be with in terms of looks and personality, but often i've found that some of the most compelling things that I appreciated about different woman was what I wasn't looking for.


In a way it seems like a paramount quality in finding that special someone is often them offering something that is unique or of the unknown to us.

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