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Can't connect to my Girlfriend

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I been dating my girlfriend for about three weeks and until now I can't connect with her. The more we go on dates and the more I got to know her there this hesitation building on me like being uninterested. Feels like she's unintentionally pushing my feelings away. It's not her fault, she's a very lovely girl and we never had a fight. We both being considerate and caring for each other. We also had a lot in common. She even wants to meet my family and friends.


On our dates I tried to focus and listen. However, she never stop talking nonsense. Moreover, she was worried of me meeting her friends because they might scare and push me away.


Please help me! I would like to make this relationship work out and I'm trying my best. I'm thinking of talking to her whats going on my head if theres no other option.

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If youre saying already that she is talking nonsense, then you arent compatible. You cant make it work in the long run when you cant even focus on listening to her now. Maybe you want to get laid, or keep getting laid, but you have to bail on this bow. She will just be annoying to you later on.

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