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I have been dating my guy for over three years now, we have a two year old girl and another one on the way. Well I love him with all my heart and I am still totally attracted to him! He complains that we don't have sex enough anymore, and I think that he is right but, when bedtime rolls around I am just too tired to do anything but sleep! Now we both work during the day, so the only time we are really with each other is at night. We are starting to argue alot and I don't know what to do! We are planning on getting married some time next year, and I don't want that to change. Any ideas?

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well all couples argue, try looking at what your arguing about and is it worth arguing about? and the sex thing, well try doing it as soon as the little one is asleep, and not waiting for bed time, also try doing it in places other than the bedroom for that matter try it at someplace other than your house, just use your imagination. you could set the clock to get up and hour earlier in the morning.

I have been dating my guy for over three years now, we have a two year old girl and another one on the way. Well I love him with all my heart and I am still totally attracted to him! He complains that we don't have sex enough anymore, and I think that he is right but, when bedtime rolls around I am just too tired to do anything but sleep! Now we both work during the day, so the only time we are really with each other is at night. We are starting to argue alot and I don't know what to do! We are planning on getting married some time next year, and I don't want that to change. Any ideas?
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I think your guy needs to understand that you are working full time, you are pregnant, you are the lady of the house probably doing most of the work, and the combinaton of all of that creates a great deal of fatigue.


If all he is concerned about is having sex more often without consideration of your responsibilities and your pregnancy, which he assisted in bringing out, I think you may have made a bad decision regarding having this man in your life. With one child here and one on the way, you are in a very precarious position but, nevertheless, if your guy is not going to be understanding and considerate now, he won't be any better after you get married.


Frankly, I don't know how to change self-centered people. If I did, you would have go to to www.paythroughthenose.com because I wouldn't tell you how it was done for free...there are just way too many people who would be willing to pay through the nose for those directions.

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Lets say that your man isn't "all" that bad- and just needs to be a bit more considerate of you.


Couples make time for every single part of their lives- jobs, kids, housekeeping, sports, hair-cuts, doctor appointments, yard work, friends, shopping,-the list is practically endless. The one thing that does not get the same condsideration is their relationship with the partner.


The relationship gets the "left-overs" - and most of the time- there aren't any left-overs. Just as you said- at the end of the day-you are tired- you have been busy all day with the other things on your priority list- as has your partner- and here you both are at the end of the day- with nothing left to give.


You and your partner need to have a heart to heart- and this should be the topic; OUR RELATIONSHIP


Time should actually be set aside each day- and everyday to spend with each other. Away from children and other family, away from friends- just the two of you. And come to a mutual agreement about how you will spend that time. A rule of thumb is to schedule your time before 11:00 at night- you have already experienced the effects of late night encounters- so I'm sure I don't need to explain. You and your partner might be very surprised at how sexually fulfilling your relationship can be- once you have your other emotional needs met- like, attention, affection and communication. Try to spend 15 hours a week with each other-without fail- make each other your number one priority- above ALL other things- and then plan your lives around your relationship- not vice versa.


Its better to get into this routine now- because once you have two children...... it would only be harder to start what I have mentioned.


Good Luck- Jenna


I think your guy needs to understand that you are working full time, you are pregnant, you are the lady of the house probably doing most of the work, and the combinaton of all of that creates a great deal of fatigue. If all he is concerned about is having sex more often without consideration of your responsibilities and your pregnancy, which he assisted in bringing out, I think you may have made a bad decision regarding having this man in your life. With one child here and one on the way, you are in a very precarious position but, nevertheless, if your guy is not going to be understanding and considerate now, he won't be any better after you get married.


Frankly, I don't know how to change self-centered people. If I did, you would have go to to www.paythroughthenose.com because I wouldn't tell you how it was done for free...there are just way too many people who would be willing to pay through the nose for those directions.

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