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Question faithful married women

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Do your friends ever make fun of you because you are faithful?


Do they ever call you a stepford wife because you don't cheat on your husband?


Do you look at women who cheat and get envious because they are having all the fun?

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No. I would not have friends who would think that being faithful was a bad thing.


No. I would not have friends who would think that being a cheating slut was a good thing.


No. I would never look at cheating as a good thing.

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Citizen Erased

No to all three, and no I don't know any women that would think that way, let alone any that would even ask those kind of questions. But that's because we all have lives.

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God no!!!


In our extended circle of friends, we've had something like 8 weddings over the last two summers. One couple got married the week before we did... and we later learned that 3 months after their wedding, she was cheating on him.


The circle of friends has rallied around him as he moved out and started divorce proceedings, and she is roundly condemned and ostracized from the group.


What the heck kind of company do you keep, Woggle? Or is this a hypothetical question?

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Do your friends ever make fun of you because you are faithful?

No, why would they?


Do they ever call you a stepford wife because you don't cheat on your husband?

again no, why would they?


Do you look at women who cheat and get envious because they are having all the fun?

well firstly i dont know of anyone personally (male or female) who is having an affair, and secondly if i did i certainly wouldnt be jealous.

if anyone i know is being unfaithful they certainly arent going around bragging about it!



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You've gotta be joking.

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You have never been told any of those things? I have been around a few women who thought that faithful women were stupid stepford wives.

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You have never been told any of those things? I have been around a few women who thought that faithful women were stupid stepford wives.




And anyway--I'm not in middle school. If someone said that to me, I would see through it to their insecurity and envy.


And I wouldn't choose to spend my time with someone like that.

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You have never been told any of those things? I have been around a few women who thought that faithful women were stupid stepford wives.


No, never. I would say that they are not real friends then...


I have cheated in my marriage, but never discussed it with my friends because I fear the backlash.....there would be no high-fiving trust me.

Edited by Moanin
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You have never been told any of those things? I have been around a few women who thought that faithful women were stupid stepford wives.
You sir, are a nincompoop. :)
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No to all three questions. I don't know any married female in my circle of friends who would answer "yes".


I can't believe this is a serious question.

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Do your friends ever make fun of you because you are faithful?


Do they ever call you a stepford wife because you don't cheat on your husband?


Do you look at women who cheat and get envious because they are having all the fun?

Heck, no. Other women I know respect me because I have been a faithful wife and have stayed with my husband all these years, despite all the challenges we've had to face together. And I have plenty of fun WITH MY HUSBAND. I don't envy cheaters, I pity them. They are ruining their lives and the lives of their spouses, children and AP.

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Heck, no. Other women I know respect me because I have been a faithful wife and have stayed with my husband all these years, despite all the challenges we've had to face together. And I have plenty of fun WITH MY HUSBAND. I don't envy cheaters, I pity them. They are ruining their lives and the lives of their spouses, children and AP.
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Do I really just have the displeasure of growing up and working with some of the most dishonest and shady women on the planet and it has skewed my perspective? I can't believe how people think it is absurd to even answer this question since I see this mentality all the time.

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Do I really just have the displeasure of growing up and working with some of the most dishonest and shady women on the planet and it has skewed my perspective? I can't believe how people think it is absurd to even answer this question since I see this mentality all the time.
The worst part being that you're naive enough to believe this. You are capable of your own thoughts, don't act as if you were conditioned in not thinking rationally.
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Do I really just have the displeasure of growing up and working with some of the most dishonest and shady women on the planet and it has skewed my perspective? I can't believe how people think it is absurd to even answer this question since I see this mentality all the time.


No, you don't. You are dishonest. And asking this question to your "friends" on LoveShack is dishonest. You already know perfectly well where most of us stand on all of this nonsense.

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No, you don't. You are dishonest. And asking this question to your "friends" on LoveShack is dishonest. You already know perfectly well where most of us stand on all of this nonsense.


I never accused anybody here of being unfaithful but I am wondering if you feel the pressure to be.

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I think it's a valid question, I only know of a handful of people who haven't cheated on or been cheated on by their spouse/SO. No I don't keep company with these people but from what I have witnessed in my life monogamy is a rarity. I'm not saying it's men or women exclusively, seems about even to me.

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Also when you look at most cheating women they usually have friends that encourage it.


and cousins and mothers, and grand mothers and aunts....

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Woggle, do you realize how disgustingly insulting all of this is to women?


Answer some questions for me:


Do you have any idea, or give a crap, how many women reading this thread RIGHT NOW have been cheated on, while they were faithful?


Do you have ANY IDEA how many women witnessed their fathers cheating on their moms, and lived with the fallout from that, as children?


Do you have ANY IDEA how many women reading this thread right now have been physically, emotionally and / or sexually abused as children by their FATHER or by other authority figures in their lives?


Do you have ANY IDEA how many women reading this STUPID ASS THREAD right now have been RAPED by a MAN in their life?


No, you do not.


But why aren't the women who have experienced any, or all of these miseries at the hands of men here on LoveShack day in and day out looking for justification to hate all men, and justification to trash their current "good" relationship?






I also must add that there are many, many men who have suffered all kinds of abuse who are NOT here blaming their woes on that day after day - as well as willingly sacrificing a potentially good marriage for the "pleasure" of keeping up the blame and self pity.


Evidently, you think you are the only person on the planet who has suffered, and you are sure self-righteous about your "right" to remain miserable about it forever.


Is the day ever going to come where you take ownership of your OWN life, your OWN happiness, your OWN state of mind? Or will you continue to blame everything on your mother, ex wife, two sleazy co-workers and random Internet losers for all of eternity?

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