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billy the kid

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Yes we have meadows here and lots of woodlands too. There are many horses around, many of my friends own them but I don't. I can ride anytime I want but when its hot out I prefer to stay in the a/c. Yes I really enjoy t-storms esp. when there is lightning. A couple of years back we had a sever ice storm the whole city was with out power for over a week. The trees loaded up with ice and 24 hours a day all you could hear was the cracking of branches under the weight of the ice.


no there is no moral situation actually there is no situation at all. I am referring to my question yesterday. No I don't think I could be satisfied loving someone from a distance.


Do you believe in the old quote" tis better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all?


Right now in my life I am rather bored with love, or should I say I am just not looking for it. How about your self?


glad to hear the cats survived the storm. I own a rat terrier, I have a great story I tell you sometime about him . g2g

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You snuck one in on me, earlier in the day than usual.


Tell me more about your home. Do you live near farmland meadows are is this more of a wilderness area? What are your favorite places to ride or hike?


Occasionally I get to ride horses that belong to a generous-hearted neighbor near my Grandpa's farm. I love the floating feeling of loping down the large field above the house. One of the things on my "50 things to do before I die" list is to ride, unafraid, as fast as the horse can run. Another is to pet a lion.


Yes. I believe wholeheartedly that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Especially when the love is a jewel like the ones we had. Few are blessed to find such great passion.


Bored with love, Billy? Why?


I'm hopeful for love but I'm taking time off so I can build a support group of friends. I tend to over-romanticize feelings and expectations so that I fall hard and fast- - that's what brought me to the LoveShack in the first place. You and Tony answered my very first post.


Rat terrier... would that be a downsized jack terrier?


I look forward to the story and to hearing more about the book too.

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well as far as the book you should have your name on it also cuz you are contributing 1/2. a Rat terrier is actually a step above a jack in size and hunting ability


I live where there is lots of land and just as much water. I love the mountains though but we have none. I would really like to live in a place that has my two favorites mountains and cold weather most of the year. I love to cuddle but that is not much fun when your both sweating.


as for you wanting to ride fast as you can, please leave that to the movies.. it is just as dangerous as riding a motorcycle with out a helmet. I had a really good friend die in san diego park going 15 mph with out a helmet and his bike slipped and fell, he hit his head,and as for bikes the last time I was on one as I was flying through the air I asked God if he let me live through this one I would never ride again, that was 1980 and I have yet to sit on one..


bored with love?? well I have just been the one that loved more (as was discussed in an earlier post)in the relationships the past few times, so I'm just taking a break for a while.


so do you think that, well in your experience,that you grew to love that person or did you know it right off, or just how did it go?


You snuck one in on me, earlier in the day than usual. Tell me more about your home. Do you live near farmland meadows are is this more of a wilderness area? What are your favorite places to ride or hike? Occasionally I get to ride horses that belong to a generous-hearted neighbor near my Grandpa's farm. I love the floating feeling of loping down the large field above the house. One of the things on my "50 things to do before I die" list is to ride, unafraid, as fast as the horse can run. Another is to pet a lion. Yes. I believe wholeheartedly that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Especially when the love is a jewel like the ones we had. Few are blessed to find such great passion. Bored with love, Billy? Why? I'm hopeful for love but I'm taking time off so I can build a support group of friends. I tend to over-romanticize feelings and expectations so that I fall hard and fast- - that's what brought me to the LoveShack in the first place. You and Tony answered my very first post. Rat terrier... would that be a downsized jack terrier? I look forward to the story and to hearing more about the book too.
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Lake Jenny - - a small resort nestled in the Grand Teton mountains. A picture nestled in my desk at home shows glimpses of a shimmering, blue lake through tall, rough-hewn pines. It looks like the grandest place for a romantic getaway. Cold enough for the best kind of cuddling, warm enough for horses and hiking.


More about your home... Do you live near a town or city? How close is the nearest neighbor? How much land does the average friend have? Are the horses just for play?


Were you hurt at all in that 1980 fall? It's good to hear you keep your promises.


I don't know, Billy. I'm afraid to ride because I've had a couple tough spills from a mean-spirited horse. Part of my desire to ride to the horse's fastest is the joy of that freedom, and part of that desire is to conquer my fear.


Funny that we're both on break, rebuilding and strategizing for our next love. Is it harder for you to be content when you're pondering all these wonderful notions of love? My mind whirls with romance at night after our discussions.


With Edy, we connected immediately; he was very charismatic and I was a calm deepness. We just fit. It was the most wonderful time of my life, those years with him. It was the passion and tenderness they make into movies.


It was a hand reaching around me as I made dinner, turning off the stove, and drawing me to the bedroom...


It was dancing until 1:00 on weekends and cuddling until we slept...


It was spanish poetry and english term papers...


It was passionate everything that lit my quiet world...


It was grandiose arguments and patient finding of compromise between our cultures...


It was comfort in sickness...


It was eye contact and incredible intimacy when we made love...


It was grand passion. It was love.


He is really my only experience with love, or at least with being loved in return. I hope to love like that again, Billy. I don't know, do you think it's true what they say... in life you have many loves but only one grand passion?


And what about your love; was it at first sight?


Are you able to control your heart during this break-time? (Could you reason it out to avoid a woman if you started to feel something for her?)


Oh my, it's getting late. I've got to head out.


Good night.

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geeze if Tony reads this post the CIA will visit us both.. but who cares we're working on a comic book...well the love angel will not let us tell all so I will tell you all I can with out being censored...I live in the south, I love all the seafood i can have for free. I hate the climate and the bugs. I live in a small town and work very hard for really good money, only I don't work much cuz I don't have too. I go to work when I want to.


My nearest neighbor is next door. I live in and apt.I have a really big GI loan but since most males in my family die early,I don't want to spend my years paying ( which means I will have to work all the time) to pay for something I will prob. never see as mine.. now you will prob. say that is not a way to look at life.. Taressa I really enjoy it. If tomorrow I don't feel like going to work I don't and I don't have to call anyone. If next week rent is due I work 30 hours this week. oh I can really hear people now "your such a slacker" yea, well I'm happy, and that is what really matters right??


Most of my friends who do own land have 5 to 40 acres. All of them have the horses just for fun.


I am really not disfigured but, in the wreck I had an eyelid cut off, I carried it into the hospital and they sowed it back on. It took 6 hours and 129 sticthes, and I had to be awake for all of it. Every time the needle came through I had to look down.. I love riding, bikes,horses, motorcycles, women(oooppps) well you know things you can ride.. once I wrecked a bicycle and had to carry my left ear in to have it put back on... For your information, ears heal faster than eyelids...


Taressa I love, love, my dog, my friends, the girls I have loved and still do, fishing,well just all the great passions of my life. And all that are or were great of course were grand.. I never had a love at first sight, to be honest it was only lust... I can say that now after the years have past and I reflect.fyi(I'm only a year older than you).. and yes I can reason it out, how you ask??? well I stand back when I see her and ask "what do you want from her?" and usually I have two answers 1) I'd really like to sleep with her. 2) I bet we could be really good friends. and so I have many friends now...


one day I really wish I will find the love of my life.. but with people like Tony harassing me I might not... Oh well maybe he will and invite us to his wedding and we can meet.. I did say it was a comic book. And yes some nites I lay awake ( not just at lunch) and ponder your posts..Hope you slept well, as the cats. Have a good day, I think I'll the day off...the shrimp are running.


Lake Jenny - - a small resort nestled in the Grand Teton mountains. A picture nestled in my desk at home shows glimpses of a shimmering, blue lake through tall, rough-hewn pines. It looks like the grandest place for a romantic getaway. Cold enough for the best kind of cuddling, warm enough for horses and hiking. More about your home... Do you live near a town or city? How close is the nearest neighbor? How much land does the average friend have? Are the horses just for play? Were you hurt at all in that 1980 fall? It's good to hear you keep your promises. I don't know, Billy. I'm afraid to ride because I've had a couple tough spills from a mean-spirited horse. Part of my desire to ride to the horse's fastest is the joy of that freedom, and part of that desire is to conquer my fear. Funny that we're both on break, rebuilding and strategizing for our next love. Is it harder for you to be content when you're pondering all these wonderful notions of love? My mind whirls with romance at night after our discussions. With Edy, we connected immediately; he was very charismatic and I was a calm deepness. We just fit. It was the most wonderful time of my life, those years with him. It was the passion and tenderness they make into movies. It was a hand reaching around me as I made dinner, turning off the stove, and drawing me to the bedroom... It was dancing until 1:00 on weekends and cuddling until we slept... It was spanish poetry and english term papers...


It was passionate everything that lit my quiet world... It was grandiose arguments and patient finding of compromise between our cultures... It was comfort in sickness... It was eye contact and incredible intimacy when we made love... It was grand passion. It was love. He is really my only experience with love, or at least with being loved in return. I hope to love like that again, Billy. I don't know, do you think it's true what they say... in life you have many loves but only one grand passion?


And what about your love; was it at first sight? Are you able to control your heart during this break-time? (Could you reason it out to avoid a woman if you started to feel something for her?)


Oh my, it's getting late. I've got to head out. Good night.

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I have discovered encoded messages within the body of your post above and will refer these to the cryptologists at the National Security Agency at Ft. Meade, Maryland for complete analysis.


Meanwhile, Billy, you may just want to turn yourself in!!!

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Don't worry about it, Billy, I'm not going to pass judgment on your lifestyle. I'm a bit envious, I suppose. What work do you do that allows such freedom of choice?


One thing I like about the midwest is that we get a taste of each season. I enjoy the clean rains and flowers of spring, the sunshine and cool breezes of hot summer, the first autumn day cool enough to wear my favorite sweater, and the quiet, cuddly comfort of a snowy day.


I had already guessed you lived in the south since you had mentioned eating "greens" this week. It sounds like you and Tony share the same neck of the USA with the bayous and Gulf Shores. Fresh seafood, how wonderful it would be!


What's going on with your family that most men die young? What chance do you have of breaking that mold?


Your accidents sound pretty frightening and the surgeries even more so, especially having to watch them sew back on the eyelid. I'm glad you had the presence of mind to preserve your body parts.


Does the rat terrier get to share the bed with you? Do you have ticks in your part of the country? I recently "babysat" my sister's dog, brought him to the farm, and brought him home with over 100 ticks... a thing straight from hell.


Yes. I suspected your age in one of your first questions. What other parts of yourself were in the questions, Billy? What do you long for most?


Tell me more about your friends. How often do you get together? Do you hang out in groups? Are your friends mostly single? Do you have riding paths for the bikes and horses?


I think you will find the love of your life, Billy. You've got a lovely way of sneaking into a woman's thoughts.


Hmmm, normally I'm very happy for Fridays. I'll miss talking with you over the weekend.


By the way, I was flattered by what you wrote...Thank you.

And yes some nites I lay awake ( not just at lunch) and ponder your posts

My cats are 16 and 15 years old. They've been my best companions through the roughest growing up years. I understand the love you speak for the rat terrier.


It's sweet talking with you Billy. Enjoy the shrimp run and the weekend.




PS Naughty naughty boy - - listing women under that riding list.


PSS I think Tony has mentioned he's married so perhaps we'll be invited someday to his 50th anniversary party. If not, perhaps we'll meet at the CIA headquarters once they call us in.

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