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MOVING ON from her!


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As hard as it has been, can be now, and will be in the future, I am MOVING ON from her!!! Or atleast doing my best. Since my ex-gf broke up with me 11 weeks ago today I just know in my heart that we aren't going to be back together - and I am ok with that because I have no choice. No options for this. I will not let HER keep me down forever. I refuse to let her get the best of me. I have posted on here before about the breakup so I wont go into details but I will say that the last time were together (3 1/2 weeks ago) I asked her to move in with me and she said no. I did more than my share to compromise and gave it my best shot to salvage our relationship.


I have been on 2 dates in the last 2 weeks and have realized that other people can make me happy - if even for the moments together. I realize that my ex is NOT the only one capable of bringing me happiness despite what SHE might think. She would always say that I will never find anyone like her. My ex-wife used to say that too and now she gets to eat those words. These dates really woke me up. I do miss my ex-gf at times but the pain isn't as bad as it was. Everyone is right that time heals all wounds.


For now I would rather not have contact her at all - no emails, facebook, texts, phone calls... I don't want to bump into her anywhere and be put in an uncomfortable position where we have to acknowledge each other. I don't hate her at all - I just don't have anything to say to her. I still love her but I just don't see her as the girl I was once so crazy about and couldn't live without.


Thanks for taking the time to read my post.


I hope everyone has a safe 9/11...

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So then, do you love her, or do you love who she used to be/who you thought she was?




I do love her very much. She was, and still is, a very important person in my life. Like a piece of history. I just don't see her as the person I THOUGHT she was based on the what transpired the last few months of the relationship. She always portrayed her self as knowing what she wants out of life but in reality it was far from that.

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