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Lucid dreaming

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I have done it. I wish I could make it happen on cue but I can't. I even tried a supplement for a while said to be helpful in triggering it, called galantimine, but to no avail. My lucid dreaming experiences were absolutely astonishing. Forget all this stuff about "flying" and the typical characterizations you hear. My first really memorable one was when I knew I was in that corridor between dream and wake and could "push" the dream in the direction I wanted but if I pushed too hard I would close it off and I'd wake up. So, I let it happen with just a nudge. It wasn't a narrative scene like myself flying around or physically doing things a person naturally can't. Instead it had what looked like artworks depicting classic biblical scenes in all of the artist's styles I learned in the chronology of European painting in college. The thing is I never saw any of these scenes before and they replaced each other as momentary flashes one after the other by the bucket loads. Bam, bam, bam in very rapid succession--all fully rendered art of scenes from the dark ages, middle ages, the renaissance, the French Revolution, English history--all classic European paintings in a flash card series faster than a tenth of a second viewing for each one but I see every bit of intricate detail. I realized that if I had a mind camera and could take shots of this and then reproduce these images, I would probably be the most prolific classical artist ever. I started to think that the human mind is so extraordinary and this is what we probably do all the time in dreams and sleep--generate masses of imagery but get disconnected from it as soon as the left hemisphere becomes dominant again when waking.


I had another one that was a drama--it was absolutely crazy and had evil midgets in checkered cabs doing fast and wicked things. When I caught one of them and was going to punish him for hurting me, it turned into a beautiful woman I couldn't resist and I felt powerless not to love her completely. At the end of all this craziness everything went into a film can with the title "The Strings" on it a label saying the "The Strings" was produced in 1939. And I felt amazed that this was such an advanced movie for that era that was so scary and real, it had been suppressed to a vault with other scary treasures. It went on and on with more realizations that I could really remember for days and days afterward. I was about to go down on a beautiful brunette and the dream started to end. And I begged the stage crew to let me have just another minute. And I heard a voice yell out "hey guys, can you open up the female genitalia module for a minute longer for this guy?" and another voice said "yeah, OK". And with that I was permitted to nurse on the sweetest pussy on god's green earth. Oh man it was terrific.

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That's crazy.


I had one where I realised I was dreaming but I woke up. :(


I've been wanting to learn to do this for ages, tried keeping a dream diary but only wrote in it for two days before I couldn't be bothered to get up quickly enough to write it down.


That second dream sounds incredible haha. Are those the only times you managed to do it?


I heard when you get to the highest level of lucid dreaming, it's like an out of body experience. I heard a story about a couple (man and woman) who could both lucid dream and decided to 'connect' with each other the next night when they dreamt and decided to tell each other a word, then write it down when they're awake and see if it was the same word. They did and it was. That's amazing.

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I can do it sometimes but only ever during times when I've been somewhat sleep deprived. I couldn't describe how it happens except it just does... I guess the two main factors which contribute to it are, yes, the sleep deprivation means reality becomes somewhat more blurred for me and I think that helps the transition into lucid dreaming, but also the mindset I'm in. I tend to focus on an object consciously (something simple) and usually something which I've encountered both in reality and dreams before...


It's happened to me three times before. The first time was before I heard of lucid dreaming, the second shortly after I read about it and the third was a bit later on.

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I've done it in the past and it's aswome.


So rare that it happens for me though, and these days, when it does, I either find it really hard to make something happen in my dream, or I'll start to wake up.

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Does anyone here do it? (Feel free to move this thread if it's not in the right forum but it does say 'Mind, Body & Soul').
Is a lucid dream like astral projection? I have always wanted to try that.
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I don't know what an astral projection is, lucid dreaming is when you dream and you realise you're dreaming but you don't wake up, and if you're lucid enough you have complete control over your dreams.


Ross, did you lucid dream by accident, it just happened or were you actually trying to lucid dream?

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I've had lucid dreams in which I have felt sensations as if they were happening in real-life.


I have sexual lucid dreams often, during which I actually feel what seems to be physical sensations.


I have dream-waking states especially if I lie down to nap during the day and lie on my back... that produces lucid dreams fairly frequently for me.


During those sleep-wake states, I have heard music that wasn't there, or sitcoms playing with laugh tracks. All of this occurred in an empty and quiet house and after I realize I'm in that state, and jostle myself to coherence, the sounds go away....


I once heard a boom in one of my dreams, that sounded like a record player shutting off... with a boom. I don't know how to explain but it was awesome and kind of scary at the same time.


I'm super interested in lucid dreaming and how to induce it, but it scares the **** out of me sometimes because I have this illogical fear that I'm going to die in some of the more intense and deep lucid dreams.

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When I used to take an older anti-depressant called Evavil (amytypitaline), I would wake slowly with explosions of geometric shapes that seem to flash and ebb with each rush of blood from a heart beat. I would entertain them a lot instead of trying to wake myself fully because they were so elaborate and intricate. The word "wobbly" comes to mind (like the "wabble plate" engine). There was no dream theme, just wave after wave of these amazing patterns.

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I had a wild lucid dream my ex and I were have wild monkey sex, the next day she was telling my 20 year old daughter she had the strangest dream the night before. Her dream was someone came into her bedroom and climbed into bed with her, my daughter asked "Were you afraid?" , my Ex said, " No it was actually Very Enjoyable ;~)

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I've only had lucid dreams a few times...the last vivid one I recall was interesting.


I decided to pull off the scene from the Matrix when Neo calls forth thousands of guns and weapons to come rushing to him.


I did the same thing...except with chocolates rushing to me.


It was surreal to say the least.:cool:

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