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Articles, books, etc.

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I thought I would start a thread that people could post different articles, books, what have you, that they have found useful. This way we can have the list in one place that someone can come to and look at and get the full list, instead of having to sift through various threads. I have had a couple of ppl send me a couple, and they have been really helpful.


So what ever you find, post it here and share what has helped you!!!!

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For some of you that find yourself's in R with Narcassist, here are some books that I found extremely helpful and insightfull:


-Caught in the Mirror

-Children of the Self Absorbed

-Grown up Guide to Getting Over Narc Parents



And a list of other books I found helpful for just being in an A, and helping get through it and over it:


-Addicted to Love

-Rebuilding (Fisher & Alberti)

-Men Who Hate Women and Women Who Love Them

-The Sociopath Next Door

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